Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

Whoever did it he/she should not quit their day job!!!

@gatsie for you :slight_smile:


I’m definitely #7 today. Like “Fack…I gotta go to work again today?!?”


At least that’s better than


:rofl: out loud reaction was: THAFUQ?! :rofl:

:astonished: => :see_no_evil:=> :joy:

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Nah, Shinodaconda beats everything.

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Oh you are back! Good to see that!! :slight_smile:


I’d say a 7

Has anyone ever heard from the girl who wrote the book with Chester as a main character??

Oh wow, no
I can’t believe I hadn’t thought about that
I actually remembered the guy she was complaining about because I wondered whether maybe he was causing trouble still
I do hope she’s ok though :confused:

I cannot find her instagram …she followed me and one day she vanished…I hope too she is fine

Maybe it’s the Mimosa… But I had to like… Look twice. No, trice. No. A LOT of times at # 9… Only to realize that it’s a flute… Holy Mimosa…

I feel like # 8 the entire time I wrote this and also #3

I believe she has a Chester Bennington group on Facebook.

I found her on Facebook…

So remember those pizzas I posted? After we stuffed our faces with those (and a couple of beers), we decided to watch a movie. We failed to remember that we have someone staying at the house for airbnb and… let’s just say we had the speakers a bit too loud. So the guest came down and asked us to keep it quiet (mind you it was only 10:45pm) and I “accidentally” slammed the door in their face. It felt SO good.

No realy? That would be nice…

Yeah mimosa lover![quote=“evooba, post:2860, topic:44”]
It felt SO good

Wow… You had a such a nice party!

hey Andy… we considered right now that we want to have you on the discord server to spend a lil time with us…- maybe an option??? (<= more a rethorical Q… - would be nice to talk to you since it’s been more than a year already that we’ve talked on plug :stuck_out_tongue: )



Nice new profile pic @Honey8

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Thank you sooooo much @NickGr :hugs:
I got it from pinterest :smile: