Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

I’m just idly going through Backstreet Boys videos on YouTube, and I found something that I thought looked familiar.


…exactly my thoughts when i was watching the debate last night.

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So can @LP13413 & @jFar920 stop them from spamming these:

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It sooo good to be finally back at the forums ))) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Unfortunately, the support couldn’t find my acc in the site system, so I had to sign up again with the very same e-mail))

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yay dude welcome we missed ya,and ab the membership
drop by drop they give it back to us ( considering to ask them to alongtanize the membership due to the missing days… like one month or so…) but anyways: <3 to see ya back DUDE :slight_smile:

Sign up to the LPU or just LP.com?

The LPU site

That sucks! Did you contact the HQ? I’m sure they can check their archives and find your membership.

I love Dexter.

Hey guys,
I was wondering how long it took for your digital membership to kick in. It keeps telling me to register and I’m a LPU member. Very confused.

Same here! I thought I was the only one experiencing this. At least we got it all resolved :slight_smile:

There’s currently an issue with LPU memberships due to the migration of the site. You can either wait or contact support.

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@evooba Thank you. I’m pretty patient. I’ll just wait.

Don’t wait for too long though :stuck_out_tongue: Memberships started to come back just the last couple of days so I believe all of them will be running again by next week.

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By the looks of your forum profile, it’s the same on rupture had since December of 2015

@evooba Yeah, eventually I’m going to want to shop at the store, lol.

Your previously used LPU membership was not captured by our system with the recent site change. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

Please visit https://linkinpark.com/LpUnderground to register for the free level, if you have previously paid for a membership on the old LPU site, please forward a copy of your receipt. Once received we will update your account.

Again we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the site change and appreciate your patience.

The thing is that I can’t find my reciept, only the welcome letter from the WU

I think I’ll contact them in a few days, got some free time)

If you can’t find anything I can help you out later