Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

Another day, another concert. 10 Years never disappoints.

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You saw them again?

Yes, my fourth time seeing them. First time from the barricade.

so right now lpu inner calling for sm music sharing from the USA guys? https://plug.dj/lpunderground

That’s today, and I’ll need to go early to plan the surprise.

How come I only see this now?

@The_early_walker seems like you’re not respected:

Seems so ! but you got this badge? :stuck_out_tongue:

But I lost my regular badge :frowning:

Seems you are NOT regular

What are you trying to imply?

When & where?

What does this have to do with my question?

Nothing just Referring on badges as you did I have no respect you have no regulär Badge

Remember, the more you say “nothing”, the more people suspect “something”, like what my friend said a few years ago.

Random post is random.


rain everywhere :umbrella:

I am all about that bass

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Seems like you only reply LPU-only topics

I saw this on Facebook last night with this caption:

Gamers are never alone. We’ve got you each other’s backs :blush:


I don’t know about anybody else, but this looks more like the LPU to me.

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