Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

You know that she cannot view LPU-only topics @LP13413

I know, but still :smile:

but still, where are ya hiding @LP13413

Why are you napping @The_early_walker?

Daylight Savings sucks

Hasn’t happened in Europe yet, but thanks for reminding us.

Being sick sucks.

being awake sucks @samuel_the_leader, whats up @LP13413 are you ill?

Yeah. I went to urgent care Saturday, but I don’t have the flu. Unless they call back and tell me otherwise…

so are you better? the flu is arrounding the whole world, here overseas we got a so called “massive flu-wave”, however, care youself or let care for yaself and get back into ya force really fast

It comes and it goes. My fever’s gone down slightly, and the pain’s slowly diminishing.

so ya body react very helthfull, that´s sign of a good constituency, how many days are you “:head_bandage:” lol @LP13413

I actually went back to work tonight. I feel about 99% healthy now.

wattayaworking? @LP13413
edit where do ya live in the states? near CA? or have fiends over there or like holidays there? or @triplexero think you´re the only american guys inhere, have to gift sth, announced for the 081216 in CA/Malibu…

California? I live on the other side of the country in upstate New York (where the weather has difficulty making up its mind)

ok, so no gift…lol @lp13413

So no chat huh?

The LPU is boring lately…

I’m guying this was what you meant. I’m not sure of what the question is, though? That me and Andy are the only guys in the U.S. that visit the forums?

no, I write ya a PM…