"Powerless" Lyrics video

a nice concept of a trip in the universe looking for Living Things planet passing by A Thousand Suns planet.
Steps of the video:

1- Founding ATS Planets, detectors shows the name + temperature which is extremely hot 1100 C, ( the hot temperature coz of the content of the album, hot topics and very deep sound, that let you go crazy and feel wanna explode ).
2- ATS Fades, and a unknown mysterious planet appears, detectors shows nothing
3- Explosion, then LT Planets appears, detectors couldn’t give a fixed temperature it vary from -1000 to 1000 ( from the album music sound, it give you mixed feeling, either going excited or relaxing, so its unstable).
4- Going inside LT planet to discover the tracks name.


Awesome conception, man! Thank u very much!

How did u do that? :3

ADOBE AE + Trapcode + Plexus + My brain + Macbook Air.

Thank you, and hope you enjoyed it.

I have no idea what is Adobe bla bla bla :P, wait… ur brain? yummy :D, come here and teach me how to do that :3

[quote=purrfect]I have no idea what is Adobe bla bla bla :P, wait… ur brain? yummy :D, come here and teach me how to do that :3

WTF my brain is yummy O_o !
Yeh i will teach you, but before you need to know how to use Adobe After Effects first, then its fine for me.

I really did!


joe should consider you sometime to help out with music videos for LP


joe should consider you sometime to help out with music videos for LP

Well i wanted to participate in that BID video contest, but the machine im using can’t work on 1080p video, to much hard, i spent 9h rendering that 720p video -__- .
Hope you enjoy it, and you do each time you see it :slight_smile: .

Wow, it’s really awesome! And the song is one of my LT favorites…

its the same for me, and i can’t play POWERLESS without hearing TINFOIL, so that why i made a video for both of’m ^_^.