Post your reproduced LP artwork here!

I reproduced Mike’s ‘Fireworks’ painting from the Glorious Excess (dies) collection.


Looks really nice! I like that :slight_smile:


Really nice :slight_smile:

looks amazing ^^

Congrats man! You’re really good! :smiley:


looks amazing. anyone else have some?

Wow, that looks very good!

I recently painted some Mike’s skulls on my wallet =)

Sorry, the picture is not very good.

[quote=lpgiu]Wow, that looks very good!

I recently painted some Mike’s skulls on my wallet =)

Sorry, the picture is not very good.

Wow that’s awesome! I love Mike’s style!

I wanted one of those art prints lol, Unfortunately I was outbid last second -_-. Also the Wallet looks real nice with the Skulls :smiley:

Hey everyone, I’m wondering, is it wrong to reproduce Mike Shinoda art for school works? :slight_smile:

I would say it was wrong to reproduce his artwork exactly.
But, usually in school they ask you to use another artist as the basis & inspiration for art that you produce. using Mike’s work as inspiration for your own would be a great idea. It would be great to see what you come up with too!

p.s. It does not hurt to reproduce his artwork for practice I guess. It’s quite fun. You may pick up some of his style, etc.

:smiley: :smiley:


I’m crazy to have one of these !!!

I’d love having one print from any Mike’s paintings in my wall. U_U


:smiley: :D[/quote]

I can’t see anything!!