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Right now, the meets I have set on the bot are Friday at 6:00 PM/18:00, Saturday the next week at 12:00 AM/0:00 (or is it 24:00?), and Sunday the week after at 6:00 PM/18:00

Also, I changed the time needed to play music if you’re new to 2 hours from 3. I don’t think people are going to want to wait 3 hours to play music (I don’t even know about 2)

I’m assuming those are GMT. Hence the 12:00 to (I assume) give your timezone a chance to attend.

Yeah. The 12:00 one is going to be the later ones

We’re on.


:eyes: why so shy @jfar920 @LP13413 @purrfect @dolcezarzamora @usa

The meet is at noon(ish) for us. Not really the most available time on a Friday

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what a pity, me saying this third time today… but by our @evooba we enjoyed Mike a few mins ago… and we play forbidden stuff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
and THEEEE NEWS @Evooba I love ya

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I’m still on plug @theearlywalker, I was just having internet connection problems.

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joining :sunny:

Is the next meet Friday or Saturday?

Bot says 3 days, so Sat.

Αh ok, I think I can make it.

The Saturday one is the US one, but that doesn’t mean you guys can’t still go earlier in the day


nice, thank you, and when did the AMERICAN meet starts on European time? regulary?
like to meet ya, to have fun, enjoying music and consider some stuff!
so, me looking fwd to sat!

Yes, if it’s not at some ridiculous time I’ll come along.

It’s 6 hours later than the normal ones. And this will be the first one. I should probably tell people about it…

That’s midnight GMT. I’ll probably come along for an hour because of my messed up sleep pattern.

So because Windows 10 is stupid and decided to restart while I was playing PS4, I lost all the data from today because the last backup was 18ish hours ago

Ah, I could be able to join you for a bit as well. Maybe not this Saturday since I’m leaving but yeah :slight_smile:

I forgot to mention I changed the 3 hour time limit to 30 minutes. If 30 minutes is too short, I can bump it back up a bit

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