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Thu this week @18:00 BST

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Ok cool. Iā€™ll try be there thursday then :slight_smile:

I might be there late on Thu because I finish uni at 17:00 and then I need 1-1.5 hrs to get home.

so what abou a short nice relaxed meet today ? I am on

Iā€™ll come on in whileā€¦

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Iā€™ll be on in about 15

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The botā€™s constant echo wasnā€™t working completely right, since it was set to go off every 10 minutes, and the random messages go off every 20, when they happened at the same time, the echo message wouldnā€™t send. Easy fix, though

Another problem I saw is that it will stop doing the constant echo if the person that sent the message leaves. This can also be easily fixed, but should I fix that?

It posts the echo after the messages, at least it did when I was on.

I donā€™t mind either way.

After looking back at it, there were a few times it did send, but sometimes an error popped up in chat saying it was spamming because two messages were trying to get sent at once

Iā€™m trying to make my own welcoming message thing right now, because the built in one isnā€™t very customizable. Itā€™s not going well and Iā€™ll most likely give up on it for now

Edit: Things are going better with the new welcome system. Iā€™ve disabled the old one while I work on the new one, so if it doesnā€™t show welcome messages tomorrow, thatā€™s why

Edit 2: New system seems to be working now. Of course thereā€™s going to be issues with it like every new thing I add, but it should work for the most part.

The normal welcome message should be the exact same, but now it says when someone leaves, too. It also doesnā€™t welcome you anymore if youā€™re the only one in the room (aside from the bot, obviously), instead only showing the meetup message, since having both send at once seemed like a bit much. Maybe I could combine them into one message, though

Something else I also thought about doing is making the bot have a playlist of only Linkin Park (and related) songs, that way if youā€™re alone, you can have him play music with you. Problem there is getting it to let anyone add him to the waitlist

@jFar920 My wi-fi didnā€™t like that the bot was missing and threw me out too :stuck_out_tongue:
Sorry for leaving without any notice.

Jabin and I are in thereā€¦

As I mentioned I might do yesterday, R0B0T B0Y can now be a DJ!

Use the command !robotdj to add or remove him from the waitlist. Anyone can currently do this, but Iā€™m working on some stuff so normal users canā€™t just keep adding and removing him over and over

Right now he plays every Linkin Park, Fort Minor, and Dead by Sunrise video, along with all the Linkin Park lyric videos (that didnā€™t get music videos, too). Even though Linkin Parkā€™s channel has nearly every Linkin Park song on it, I didnā€™t include those because they are really low quality. The total of songs he has stands at 40 at the moment


Iā€™m predicting now that the new command is going to be extremely broken because I couldnā€™t really test it without having a second person around because thereā€™s so many situations added to it so itā€™s no abused. These includeā€¦

  • The bot will leave the waitlist if heā€™s alone in the room
  • The bot will not leave the waitlist in the middle of the song. If someone uses the command to make him leave during a song, he will leave when the song finishes
    • If the same person uses the command while the song is still playing, the bot will stay in the waitlist
    • If someone else uses the command while the song is playing, the bot wonā€™t allow it and will still leave
  • Normal users and bouncers cannot add the bot to the waitlist until five minutes have passed since it left
  • Normal users and bouncers cannot remove the bot from the waitlist if a higher rank added it to the waitlist

And probably more. Look out for it acting weird

What if the person tells the bot to leave mid song and thrn skips it?

Skipping using moderation controls overrides everything, but might break the command, so I recommend not using it


Robot Boy DJing should work 100% correctly now, even with skipping them with moderation controls

The site didnā€™t let me in couple times. Started glitching.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll make it tonight, if you guys stay on for a few hours I might be able to join you later.

Lol, thereā€™s nobody there. I just came in. :stuck_out_tongue:

The internet isnā€™t good againā€¦