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yes you are the talent scout! and your taste is kinda sure…


I am on now and RBdances

New command: !echo MESSAGE

The bot repeats whatever you tell it to. Mostly useful for repeating image URLs, since the bot is a subscriber, it can post images directly to chat. It will not repeat commands due to it possibly being abused, as well as making endless echo messages.

I like this echo command. I played around with the gif one as well, it appears to be posting Mike Shinoda gifs all the time, it’s kind of amusing :stuck_out_tongue:

How often to echos pop up after you enter them? Or is it a one shot deal @jFar920?

It should send right after you do the command and for an unlimited amount of times. It should give an error message of you try to echo a command or echo nothing (not putting a message after the command)

Yeap, it responds immediately, I’ve checked it.

I get that I just meant if you type in an echo does that specific one come up once or does it pop up again after a certain interval again?

Because I made it echo " you must all hail our supreme leader @the-termin8r" :stuck_out_tongue: I was thinking of getting it on a loop for brainwashing purposes :stuck_out_tongue:

What are you buttfaces planning -.-

Not you gummy (gives @evooba gummies)

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I suppose I could make it randomly repeat the last message, but I’d probably make that a bouncer and up thing only, so random people aren’t making the bot say offensive things

Did you just skip over me…


I always seem to get free gummies. I love this lol

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By the looks of it, the bot never woots the first song played after it’s restarted. So if any of you see it not dancing, it’s not broken

I also saw a normal user had issues with the !echo command. I forgot I set the command to “bouncer” when I couldn’t figure out how to make it not repeat commands. That’s fixed now, though

Finally, I noticed @evooba tried to use the !countdown command and it was messed up since I didn’t update the date yet. What day is the next one, again?

Edit: New command!

!echohistory (NUMBER)
If you do the command without a number, the bot will tell you how many echoed messages there have been since the last time it was restarted.

Doing it with a valid number will show you that message and who echoed it.

Useful to see who set R0B0T B0Y to tell everyone a certain someone is the leader of the world :stuck_out_tongue:.

Also worth noting is that this command can only be done by bouncers or higher ranks

The !echo command will also now repeat the last message sent to it every 10 minutes, as long as it was sent by a bouncer or higher ranks and it doesn’t include a link in it

More trivia has been added for a few songs. Still all Linkin Park at the moment

What trivia are there? Seems like we need to know the questions word for word, otherwise the robot won’t be able to answer.

It says the trivia when certain Linkin Park music videos are played

Lol :smiley: i knew him …

Haha nice! I figured the countdown command needed updating, not sure when the next meet is… Thursday or Friday?