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I’m at work otherwise I would

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I know my friend…:smiley:

I just got home, I’m dead tired though. I’ll try to be on tomorrow.

New commands!

Picks a random number between 1 and the number you give. If no number is given (or if the number you gave isn’t even a number), it defaults to 10.

Gives a small rundown of some pretty obvious rules. This message is also part of the random messages that go off every 20 minutes.

Gives a general explanation of meetups. Also one of the random messages.

Other changes!

  • !changes was removed because it’s a mess to organize it on because you can’t use line breaks.
  • Commands are now automatically deleted to keep things cleaner (and to hide that annoying !afkdisable stuff).
  • Some of the bot’s responses were tweaked to mention who uses the command, due to the previous change.
  • Those commands changed can also be specified to mention someone other than yourself by mentioning them after the command (like !forum @jFar920).
  • !bunnies and !poopies now give between 1 and 10 emoji, instead of 1 and 5, because why not?
  • I changed this a while back now, but the bot posts a link to the “Try the ketchup” meme now instead of saying it.
  • The !ask command is gonna be a bit stupid for a while since the question you ask it will be deleted. I’ll fix it soon.
  • The !help command explains the !rules and !theme now instead of linking here.
  • The bot should now properly display the meetups message if you join the community alone.

Also worth noting, if I’m home and on the computer, I can hear when the bot gets tagged, so if you go on and it’s empty, try tagging the bot and I might come on


I figured out how to disable the !afkdisable and !joindisable messages, which I’m glad about because the command deletion was causing issues.

More uninteresting stuff was tweaked, but I did add some more interesting stuff!

Another new command!

Gives you random trivia about the currently playing song! This will also randomly display a fact when the song starts on its own, so this command is if you want to see more. If the song has no trivia, it will tell you so. Edit: This wasn’t working correctly and needs to be fixed later. For now, it just won’t respond.

Right now it’s only defined for a few Linkin Park songs from their official channel. It goes off YouTube URLs, so this most likely will be pretty limited at first.

I’m honestly really glad we got this bot, it’s fun to play with and make stuff for, and it’s furthering my knowledge of JavaScript


Go to sleep

I slept from like 4pm to 9pm on accident, so I’m not really tired

“Derpie derp. Derp derp derp…”

Mittomo is boring now -.-

nice we all enjoy the bot, btw met ya friend yesterday on plug, he was checking out ya work, haha, he/she was nice and we shared music for a while :slight_smile:

Robot Boy, @gatsie and I are in there if anyone wants to join.

They say, honesty is the best policy.

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amitrish, will ya give us the honour!

I’ll be home soon, got done early

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This week’s meet is tomorrow at 18:00 BST.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make that…my last class ends 6:30, so I have no idea when I’ll be home :unamused:

I can’t be there at 18.00. Waving family goodbye at the airport. Might hop in later tonight though, if anyone’s on later tonight…

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I’ll probably be on until late.

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Hopefully I get out of work early again tomorrow and can make it earlier

Trivia with the bot should work completely now. I added more songs, and more facts for existing songs

I also disabled the auto skip if a song was played recently. saves history up to nearly three hours of consistent music, so if there was something played once right before everyone left, if someone tried to play it the next day it would skip it


I think I’ll be there

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Well, I missed it. There’s always next week