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What happened?

Well, I usually donā€™t play anything (if that was the ā€œproblemā€) because Iā€™m working between 9am-5pm and YouTube tends to slow down my laptop, so I just check the people who are online and have a chat with them, but apparently no one wants to join before 4pm :smiley:

Iā€™ll try my best to be online too this weekend :slight_smile:

my wifi is obviously too bad I guess, but I pray for a higher data-trasmissionā€¦:+1:

I might be there Saturday. I might.

Letā€™s pick a date when all of us can be online. What about next week Friday night?

Nice I Write it into my schedule and Hope we all join in

I can probably make that date.

Canā€™t promise anything, I donā€™t know what plans I may have, thereā€™s a chance Iā€™ll leave for a mini vacation too.

So, was anyone on yesterday afterall?

I hope not, cause I meant next week Friday :blush:

Got it like this ! maybe we clear the Time? :+1::v:

I was! But unfortunately I canā€™t seem to log in. I contacted Plug today, letā€™s see what happens

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I havenā€™t been on in a while, if we indeed set up a day and time, Iā€™ll try to be there.

Why canā€™t you log in @AJ7?

I havenā€™t been there in like 4-5 days.

It keeps telling me that my password is wrong, even though I am 100% sure itā€™s right. So I tried resetting the password. I tried yesterday and today, and Iā€™m not getting the reset emailā€¦I checked the spam folders and everything.

Thatā€™s weird :confused:

yeah, at first I thought it was the wrong email I was looking at, but apparently not. So if you guys see a ghost on there, it may just be me! At least, until this is sorted.

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@AJ7 are you trying to get in from a phone? I tried on my phone and was getting the same thing even after I reset the password.