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I just found this:

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Flyleaf has a female vocalist? Wow, I thought it was a guy.

Iā€™m not sure. I know thereā€™s a girl in the band but I didnā€™t know if she did vocals or not.

I just remembered Jen Ledger of Skillet does backing vocals on a few songs from Rise

EDIT: Flyleaf do indeed have a female vocalist.

Saw some videos of Flyleaf yesterday. Definately, not guy. :wink:

Itā€™s OSC Chester :stuck_out_tongue:

What lvl is that?

Iā€™ve got nothing to do so Iā€™ve been calculating how much PP I need to be able to get all of the avatars and badges that I want.

-There are 5 avatars and 2 badges that I want. They have a total price of 38,835 PP
-One of the avatars is an L10 and another is an L12. Together they cost 16,225 PP

-That brings the price of what I can get ATM to 22,710.
-When I hit L9 I will get 10,500 PP (Iā€™m 176 away from L8 as of this moment)
-That will bring the total price down to 12,210 PP

-That means that I only have to grind 12,210 PP until I can get the pre L10 avatars. I reckon I can grind the PP before I hit 10. Then I just wait until I hit L11 and get 19,650 PP so I can get the remaining 2 avatars.

On another note: I noticed that that XP values for the rank chart I posted are wrong. I think only the prizes are correct.

Me and @EvoOba are on right now

Sorry, mustā€™ve missed that post. @samuel_the_leader

Itā€™s from the 80s section (L8) but itā€™s sub only :confused: hosted by Chester88

6 points and I hit L8


Just hit L8 :slight_smile:

L9 is 6400 XP. Which is weird because to get from 6-7 you need more points that to get from 7-8, but you need more points 8-9 you need more points than to get from 7-8. So it goes more,less,more. I donā€™t like the inconsistency :confused:

Also, I am now DJ Spit :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m on, Iā€™m playing my DJ list but I donā€™t feel like chatting. Sorry.

joined :stuck_out_tongue: lol @Gatsie

I mustā€™ve accidnetally left the the thing open. I just came on :stuck_out_tongue: Lol

Me and Eva are on.

Some guest is onlineā€¦ is that your ghost @the_termin8r? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, havenā€™t been on today. I just came back from the airport.

Iā€™m on right now

Iā€™m on again.

I might be able to come a bit later.

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