so ya can confirm, that Roberta is well hosted inyour computer?I feel soo afraight…
That is not the bot’s name -_-
So how you call a bot with a skirt then?Scottish terminator?@the_termin8r… is she back btw?@jfar920?
I’m not really in there, I just leave it open in the evenings to gain some points.
tricky , so I played ya my pl nevertheless… then Sorin joined in…
Sorry @theearlywalker
This evening, my father and I went to a place, unfortunately went too late, hence closed
Had escargot with him and all the snails seem to have a shocked expression in their eyes, that’s how they died
Some of the snails were so chewy that I accidentally bit my tongue. It still hurts when my tongue rub the inside of my mouth.
I guess it’s too late for plug?
why you guess this?
plug is more the question of glitching or not, but it would be nice to share some music
Are you there yet?
joined now, partys just on
so join!
So how you call a bot with a skirt then?Scottish terminator?@the_termin8r… is she back btw?@jfar920?
Just RB or RG
Your song was playing
Is that post meant for me? If so it’s not quite my song, you were the one who showed it to me in plug. I didn’t know it existed before that.
saturday afternoon chill time…
@jfar come into chat if possible…I banned a racist, think this mod use was ok!!!
I have a question? Can the bot please react to like, racist slurs? We just had some funny guy using the N word and playing a song that repeated that N-word over and over… My mom is half black, so I consider the N word as a real negative word. On behalve of the black community and anyone else that isn’t just white, can we please prevent stuff [racist stuff] like that in the future?
It was cool today , but sometimes my 3G internet was ruing the fun
Well, I’m glad I missed that racist a******. I wouldn’t have kept my cool.