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If anyone wants a custom welcome message upon joining the community, just tell me (as long as it’s not too crazy or long). @gatsie and @amitrish both have one now

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…and it is totally cool!

How about “Welcome back @the_termin8r feel free to abuse RB as you please” (that’s a joke, don’t actually make that :stuck_out_tongue: ). I can’t think of anything serious atm.

lol, man -you seem to start to know me!

I planned on adding more trivia last night and basically slept for 12 hours straight

We could have an extra Monday meet for a Hybrid Theory listening party, though I doubt @intheend will show up

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Anyone want to join me in here? The temperature is lovely :smiley:


You must be the only one that has serious issues with it then, because most of the time everyone else can at least get in the room

Silence buttface. I can never get in.

So I think I might stop using basicBot (what I’ve been using so far, and adding onto myself) and make a bot completely on my own. I won’t use it until it has all or most of the features of the current one, but there’s so much the current one has that I can’t edit (like people using kill commands, you know who you are :stuck_out_tongue:), it’d be nice to only have what we need. It’s also a nice chance to get more into JavaScript

Edit: Features the new bot will have:

  • BRB mode. Use !brb to set yourself as away. If anyone tags you, the bot will say you are away
  • Different playlists for R0B0T B0Y. Use !rbpl NUMBER to change the playlist.

These will not be in the normal bot that will be online when I’m not online, just so you guys know

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Isn t this whole plug thing kinda massive inspirating?To me it is, and I want to have a personal Welcome like: kneels down for the huntress ( ya don t believe me? but you can @jfar920


I had the same logging in issue with the site. Try the main plugDJ page first and see if you can at least access the site.
Looks like we are all set for Halloween. Are we having a HT party this Monday?

Isn’t that kinda like the AFK mode except when you get tagged the bot replies as opposed to you.

Also, I think for an improvement of the feature, if you enter the brb command, the bot can maybe make an announcement that you are afk every 5 mins until you come back and switch it off.

Lets find out.

Should we have an HT party on Mon same time as usual?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Also, let’s ensure that the meet be “officially” of an hour or maybe 90mins in which we will play only HT songs (studio & live). Then the meet will resume back to normal. No poll for this, but I hope everybody is OK with it :smiley:

so maybe you can tell me, if there was a meet yesterday? when was the reg meet this week?
and your suggs cool as ass always dude
this one is nice too… or cool


I missed it too, some nice people had a slam meeting last night at a pub (btw it continues tonight but I realized that I’m not that interested :D), and then I met one of my friends and oops it was already too late to join. :confused:

but it was yesterday? @nefermiw and another tag fo streesed out bud @the_termin8r
nice new pic, beauty… :hugging:

I remember we talked about a Friday, I’m sure it was yesterday but I can be wrong.

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jup and scheduler isn t in the mood to answer to me for several days… :frowning: