Please help me log on!~!

I absolutely cannot log on nor can I find anyone to help me! I am clearly able to log on this far to get to forums where I can send this message. I have tried twitter for moderators nad have had no success. I tried emailing headquarters. I am super frustrated.

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Iā€™m confused. Where are you trying to log on?

I am trying to log on to my LPU account. The area where you can see past orders and your friends list. Also I am trying to order a t shirt and when I go to add it to my cart it asks me to ā€œlogonā€ even though Iā€™m logged on.

Are you sure you have a paid LPU account or that it hasnā€™t expired?

Iā€™m sure. I got my LPU16 in July and have had an account since 2008.

Iā€™m not 100% but Iā€™ve seen people have issues when theyā€™re doing stuff on phone vs computer
That would be my only suggestion

Ugh. This is so frustrating because I wanted to get a shirt for the tribute. Thanks!

I had the same thing happened but once i log on in on my phone and tablet ot was good. Try to stay log on your phone and see what happens

Nope, didnā€™t work. Tried it on my phone.

Sorry donā€™t know about your LPU account issues but the ā€˜celebrate life Chester memorialā€™ tees/hoodies are only through the Linkin Park website not the LPU page.
Hope you resolve your issue

Yeah I got those, but I was hoping to get the LPU fidget spinner. I can click on it but when I try to add it to my cart it says join. Iā€™ve been a member since 2011 and itā€™s extremely frustrating.

I bet it is! Good luck :shamrock:

Ok so yeah, still not working. I got an email saying there is a glitch and they are aware of it. Then I was nice and waited a week. And still nothing. I paid my good money to be in the LPU every year and am not being able to reap the benefits. I donā€™t know what else to do.

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I had too wait about 2 weeks. Are you signed into forum on your app or websote

Right now Iā€™m signed on my desk top through LPU. It obviously lets me log on since Iā€™m able to write in this forum. WTH!

Did you get an email from lol about the shorts thatā€™s how I had to buy mine

I got an email from I think Headquarters acknowledging the ā€œglitchā€ but nothing since then. They said they are aware but gave no timeline or update after that. I got my tribute gear now Iā€™m just frustrated that I canā€™t access my friends list or download LPU 16 music that I PAID FOR.

My download came in an email thatā€™s the only way I got that also