Which other night?
Like 2 or 3 nights ago, was having dinner with some friends from uni. Why?
Before that you really never had coke from glass bottle before?
If I did it must have been once or twice and I’ve just forgotten. I dont’ see them being sold in glass bottles in shops here.
I did day 21: drain
This one is pretty simple yet I draw liquids again I did this one simple, cause I have an idea for “muddy” and don’t want to mix up with drain… well if I’ll be able to do it the way I have in mind… ( probably not… ).
Day 20: Breakable.
Supposedly, a promise should not be breakable, bit the true is other.
Day 21: Drain.
It looks like pieces of monster in the serie stranger things. It’s well done
Wow what a traffic here atm- thanx inktober - so much great art - you guys are great
Inktober 2018.
Day 19.
Pens, marker.
Should I share my thing after Jab’s art piece?
Ok, here we go with day 22: expensive
I won’t redo! I did that 4 in morning… I’ve go no time now! Let is be the same!! Megaa hug!!!
We’ve got 2 rings of engagement lol.
Edit : I forgot to say it’s awesome @lpfan61
OMG!!! We think alike!!! I changed it a bit though lol
Your ring is awesome!!!
Wow, you’re all painting Inktober now! So excited! @lpfan61 @Honey8 @jabinquaken you’re all so talented!!!
Thank you dear!!
Day 22: Expensive.
Today in day, some people would sell their eye for the newest thing in the market.
Nice message!! And the guy is smiling! Very good!
Nice drawings guys! I think i need do start catching up
Thanks! I dedicated more in this one. I love the express of the boy seeing the box while his eye is looking at him like “seriously? I’m afraid of you now.”