Pictures from the jiffy lube meet and greet, anyone?

Hello there!

I was at the lpu m&g in jiffy lube on sat 11 while the line was going through other lpuers were taking pics and whatnot. I personally have some from other ppl talking to the guys and i was wondering if anyone got one of me? Im easy to spot… Chubby girl, pink bangs, lpu shirt with purple pants? I was also holding the shows litho so maybe that wpuld help… If anybody can post their pics i might be able to find me and others find themselves?

Thank u so much for reading this :slight_smile:

hii :slight_smile: i have some, ill look but i dont think your in any of the pics i got. If you could do the same for me too that would be awesome. LPU11 shirt, got my LT cover signed, wearing cargo shorts and short hair. Thanks

actually…look what i found :slight_smile:

you think thats bad my camera got wet in the rain on the way to the parking lot i dont know what im going to do i was at the meet and greet and i thought i had some awesome pictures!!!

[quote=william]you think thats bad my camera got wet in the rain on the way to the parking lot i dont know what im going to do i was at the meet and greet and i thought i had some awesome pictures!!!

[quote=william]you think thats bad my camera got wet in the rain on the way to the parking lot i dont know what im going to do i was at the meet and greet and i thought i had some awesome pictures!!!

Is it dead? But u can always remove the memory card and save the pics on ur computer?

the guy at the film place said it doesn’t look good, I’m extremely disappointed in myself i thought i covered it better. have you heard when they were going to post the group photos from the meet and greet.

[quote=AlexLinkinPark]actually…look what i found :slight_smile:


Omg yes!! That was me! We were laughing cuz Phx signed my litho with black sharpie and was telling mee how silver doesnt work on those simce he tried earlier but Joe came while he was talking and signed with a silver one and worked. Phx said wth? He has to come to prove me wrong! Then asked Joe to trace his signature with the silver one which he did perfectly and he told me “thats never done before so thats an lp exclusive! Save that poster, thats now a one of a kind” lol

Thank u Alex so much!!! Keep those pics coming guys!!

lol yeah phx did the same with me he signed my litho and started with silver but had to finish with a black and ol hahn signed perfect with a silver phx signature has a silver P and the rest in black lol.

[quote=william]lol yeah phx did the same with me he signed my litho and started with silver but had to finish with a black and ol hahn signed perfect with a silver phx signature has a silver P and the rest in black lol.

Then ur the guy he was talking about lol we both got one of a kind litho’s :slight_smile:

yep it is beautiful sight posted on my wall too it really is a gorgeous poster im glad i bought it to get signed rather than my ol beat up cd lol

[quote=william]yep it is beautiful sight posted on my wall too it really is a gorgeous poster im glad i bought it to get signed rather than my ol beat up cd lol

Lol me too! I was undecided on what album to get signed so i ended up grabbing the LT while walking out the door. When we got into the venue i saw their poster and was all like omg i want that but when i got closer saw the litho and that was dated and couldnt resist!!! Its is a gorgeous art and Mako was talking about how they have one different per show. I really hope they release a packge with the ones they dont sell or something

[quote=william]you think thats bad my camera got wet in the rain on the way to the parking lot i dont know what im going to do i was at the meet and greet and i thought i had some awesome pictures!!!

my bad i should have explained more the sd card is what got wet i had a long way to get to my car and the little protection i had didn’t help. and if i thought about it i would have put it in the plastic i wrapped my poster with but i really didn’t think at that point so…but i have a guy working on it he says he has fixed water damaged sd cards before but cant guarantee anything so like delightful here I’m hoping someone is posting pictures from the meet and greet soon because that would be awesome