Pics to words (apparently I need a longer title)

Shadow of the day?

You got given the most obvious clue in the world and the answer you come up with is SOTD? :joy:

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she said it was made in collaboration with another artist.

then finally end it! :joy:

I don’t want to go next. :joy:

Ok, then @IronSoldier16 come ooon and think what song with another artist has the lyrics with “waiting for…” ?

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I’m sleepy…

All for nothing with Page Hamilton from The Hunting Party?

I don’t know. I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.

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A Light That Never Comes

I’ll come up with something tomorrow.

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I hope you didn’t get tortured in your dreams by this :joy::hugs:

I’m getting up now. I’m still tired and I’d like to come back to sleep, but I have to go to work.

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This has been a very long tomorrow. :joy:

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:flushed: oops

Here ya go. Been crafted over 3 months. My greatest creation.

(image -image ) + image + image + image

E swimmer ant?

Delphine swimmer ant?

I don’t know the person in the 3rd pic.

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(Pic A - Pic B) + Pic C + Pic D :upside_down_face:

You were closest with ur first guess. The third pic doesn’t relate to the person but rather the scene taking place in the pic.

Oof. Just added a pic I just realized I forgot in the initial post.

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Gonna need a bit more :face_with_monocle:

Evil disgusting deadly ants

Delphine faces death by ants? :joy:

I’ll buy it lol

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We can run with that. I fear I made this one too embedded with memes. And I forgot another pic. There’s an “L” after swimmer lady.