Pics to words (apparently I need a longer title)

i havent been able to leave these three topics since i got here lol

@jrtrussell you lose club rights if you aren’t here within an hour :expressionless:

Anciano :stuck_out_tongue: jajaja you need to be here more often. like me :rofl:

lol oh yeah, youre the only bigger abandoner than myself

@jrtrussell time is running out :rage:

It was for work :upside_down_face: but hey! Now I am here! Let’s spread spam posts love around the forum

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you havent worked in weeks :expressionless:

That’s what you think :lying_face: I’ve busy with some other stuff. But really I had to go to work to the tutories some days




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Ur welcome

lmao you really gonna make me answer that one? :skull_and_crossbones:

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@framos1792 :joy:


Gotta do it

You asked for this

go damn it :unamused:
chump boi without a home

i banish you :unamused:


Linkin Park’s song (the lyrics of one of them)



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sundown :partying_face:

Close. A Linkin Park song that say those words? The line of that song

:roll_eyes: i guess i should keep the game going

shadow of the day
the sun will set for you

No :upside_down_face:

yes it is!! :rage:

No, man. It’s from HT!