Pics to words (apparently I need a longer title)

Yup, all of you are still wrong. The answer is heatwave. (Of course I remembered :stuck_out_tongue: Pat says I have an elephant for memory)


Eh? How is the second pic a wave?

Lol- only one year … how fast time pass - so who goes next?

You? :stuck_out_tongue:

I ll go ahead and go next if no one wants to :blush:


I’m reaching here, but is it photosynthesis?

nope, but a good guess

Sunshine? :sun_with_face:

Treasonous leaf? :joy:

Well the first guess was the closest so far. Has to do with that but its not the word.


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How did you get chlorophyll from that?

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Not from the pics but from his last post refering to your first answer lol

Hey you got it @theearlywalker Pics might be a little shitty for that, but if u include super detailed pics it becomes too easy :smiley:

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Can you explain please? I still don’t see how a tree, the sun and a leaf equal chlorophyll.

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Ok- comming up with sth tmr

It was a shockwave

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Okay. Sun + Tree => Photosynthesis, add Leaf to emphasize that it is something specifically to do with that process in the leaf. That was my thought process :man_shrugging:

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Here we go:

Hehehe :joy: - good luck guys


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