Personal Projects

You miss the garage and the boxes of your dad! You have to receive a recompense for your hard work! :trophy: :1st_place_medal: :wink:

The boxes are empty usually from amazon deliveries and such things. We use them for ebay. The rest of the stuff is mine and my sister’s bikes and my dad’s tools. I’m more likely to die in there by means of getting crushed and / or impaled than finding the pieces.

:flushed: can’t say what other place you can search… hope the pieces didn’t become trash… :see_no_evil:

I just did 2 new versions of my chessboard design. The original one with the proper pieces was stupidly expensive. So I made a mini one with smaller and fewer pieces that is bound to be miles cheaper and a budget board which uses even fewer pieces and costs only about £15, but that one is not worth building.

Mini board:
271 pieces (ignore the software saying 255, it is a bug, it removed 16 pieces when I opened the file because it thought they were incorrect placements).

Budget board:
97 pieces

I’ll update the OP.

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Did you design this set yourself? Very nice! :smiley:

There’s someone inside your software… :robot: :space_invader:

Yeah, if you want I can send you these designs as well.

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Really?? But I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness… :hugs:

If I had something I didn’t want to be copied or shared I wouldn’t even mention it. :stuck_out_tongue: My designs are available to everyone. I’ve put my decoy email in the OP. @lpfan61 you have my personal one so you can message me there.

The only design I won’t send to people is project Desperation on the basis that I’ve built most of it physically and replicating it in LDD will be a total nightmare.

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You’re kind either way! :hugs:

Yep!thanks! Same here!

It would be a nightmare even in physical built… :sweat_smile:

So…if you say that you can… I would like to have the chess board when you have time… :blush: thanks!!!

Sent both versions.

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Thank you so much!!! :blush: :hugs: if I were in London I would have help you with your desperate search… :smile:

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LOL. My parents wouldn’t let you into the house :stuck_out_tongue: .

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:joy: I’m not a thief! Lol… Sent you a reply…

Are you sure? I don’t have anything.

Actually, never mind, it came.

It came from Italy… it needed time to fly to London… :joy: :sweat_smile:

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I saw the sets you send me and the software didn’t remove anything from them… don’t want to repeat myself and annoy you, but like I said, there’s someone in your pc… it’s the only explanation… :thinking: :space_invader: :ghost:

Actually I went back and fixed it before I sent them lol.

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:sweat_smile: lol… thank you two times! :hugs:

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I was just gonna ask today… if you got those pieces… Was a bit busy though…

Yeah worth… got some at least… but don’t give up bro… :slightly_smiling_face: i really deadly wish i could come and help you… i am always good in finding things even at my home…

Yeah Rob… its really very nice !!! :smiley::smiley:

Agreeing woth @lpfan61 :slightly_smiling_face:

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