People's Judgement

For sure. They can’t tell you anything when there isn’t a dress code though.

We have policy at my office that allow for ink and piercings. I’m fortunate that my bosses see the bigger picture. Tattoos, piercing, long hair etc do not define a person. I work in a very busy oncology practice, I also contact with several pharmaceutical companies. I understand that not everyplace is this way, and people still holds on to ridiculous judgments. But that will never change, so just enjoy the ride and embrace your true self. In the end, u ate the one living ur life.

@Spelling_Mistake I tryed to send ya a friendly request, isn´t working at all, so I ask you now and here officially: Will you be my friend?

No dress code? hi-five


Hell yes!!

That’s awesome @Cickym!

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nice to meet ya!

are you really a horse?

@Spelling_Mistake No, I´m a Hybrid, it was a descision of nature, on my Top I´,m a woman, but the deeper you go, the more Quaterhorse you´ll find, but it´s nice, cause I´m a huntres, a centaur!
And you? Are you really a mistake of spelling?

@The_early_walker i really might be :smiley:

I have to say its not always about judgement. When it comes to work i have to dress nice, but not too much. because when i am with my clients i like to keep the attension on what i talk not distract them with my look.

i think its jugement too that girls with looong nails greep me out, especially when they make food.:smiley:

if thei´re plastic, for me it´s even worser - doesn´t everybody judges?

dunnow why this topic appears right now, we´re in the matrix, belive it or not


Are you sure this is Mike’s latest Instagram? When did Brad suddenly have short hair again?

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Ehm… not sure what’s up and why these are posted here. What did I miss?

(Yes, @samuel_the_leader that’s from Saturday at Coachella)

but [t]: all the last posts Bradies hairs are short,wattabout yahaiz are they growing? hopefully lol :smiley:

Oh sorry, haven’t been following pictures of Brad lately. The last time was the Friday when he still had his fro.

That reminds me, haircut tomorrow.

Depends on what you define as “fro”. He has short hair for years now, the fro died in 2009.

His fro didn’t look that short here. Oh, it’s that cap.

My honest, uncensored opinion is similar to yours: that everyone should present themselves however they want in any context at all times. I don’t like putting limits on personal expression and preferences. My mom judges appearances all the time and I can’t stand it. How can one possibly guage another human being, as complicated and unique as each individual is, by what they look like? It’s an unfathomable thing to assume.

Regardless though, I’ve had to conform to various dress codes at different times (begrudgingly). In my high school they wouldn’t let kids wear hats, hoods, or “gang-related” clothing. And I had a job once where there was kind of a strict code. It’s unfortunate that we have to put up with these conditions at times, but there are few ways around some of society’s structures and expectations. Then again, perhaps I’ve become too complacent and willing to conform since my teenage days…

Personally, I don’t really dress in any way that attracts special attention… save for sometimes wearing band shirts. Although some might find it a little odd that I’m male but have quite long hair and wear pretty tight-fitting jeans… once I had my gender mistaken/questioned from behind, which I thought was somewhat amusing.

Actually my mum is the same: constantly judging people by their hair, clothes, the way they speak, etc. I find it very disturbing because I’m the opposite. Ok, I have my very own opinion, but I strive to never judge anybody, because I know how it feels and it’s not a nice thing. Eh, pardon my sloppy wording, I can’t express myself as clear and precise as I want to because it’s not my first language. (The biggest problem with that is that I often miss the point in a conversation.)

I used to dress like a boyish girl, I was a bit wild as a child, I had short hair when I was a kid and everybody thought I was a boy. So now I find it funny and strange to wear a skirt or any girlish thing because I’m trapped in that thought that I’m neither a boy nor a girl. Of course I’m a female and I know it very well, but this old thought manifests in many ways: my moves, the way I wear clothes, even my expressions on my face…

I as well had a job where they had a dress code and though they told me, that it was just a formality and everybody dresses as they would like to, my superior got a few warnings from my boss because of my clothing. I didn’t even understand that, no one told me that directly though my clothes was pretty normal.

So I don’t like this whole thing. There were a few years in my life when I tried to be a conventional, normal person, who is accepted by everybody, but that was just awful :smiley: Ok it seems funny, but it was. And I regret that I didn’t do the things I wanted to because they were considered odd and unusual, so here I am at the age of 27 and I feel like a teenager and I want to be myself again, and I want to learn how to play the drums, I want to learn many languages, I want a mohawk again, and I want to wear band t-shirts without feeling an outsider.

Maybe it’s not too much to ask. Yay I finally said this.

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