Our Birthdays/Anniversaries

Happy cake day @rickvanmeijel :partying_face:

Happy birthday @damienthedamned ! :grin::partying_face::tada::confetti_ball::birthday:

Happy cakeday @rickvanmeijel ! :grin::partying_face::tada::confetti_ball::cake:

Happy cake day @rickvanmeijel! :partying_face:

And happy birthday @damienthedamned! Also nice to meet you! :partying_face::joy:

Happy cakeday @rickvanmeijel :cake:

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Wow thanks guys @anna834 @the_termin8r @theearlywalker @amitrish @anngelenee @IronSoldier16 @Lilyope @framos1792 @StephLP18 !! I was completely caught off guard by the amount of tags I received. Didn’t even remember it’s my cakeday today :joy:

Appreciate your nice words :hugs::hugs: I’m happy to know you as well, and that goes for all of you!

Also, happy birthday @damienthedamned!


Happy cake day @rickvanmeijel!!! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday @damienthedamned !! :birthday:

Happy cakeday @rickvanmeijel !! :cake:

Happy birthday @damienthedamned! Enjoy you’re day!

@rickvanmeijel buddy!! Happy cakeday! Im so happy you joined the LP Community! :heart: Up to another year of love, friendship, and music! :beer: :champagne:


Happy birthday @damienthedamned !

Happy cakeday @rickvanmeijel !

Have a nice day and week everyone and keep safe from hurt (and the corona too of course). Carpe diem.
Heartful thoughts

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All the same to you!
Pleasure to meet you btw! :grin:
I’m an old new dude, haven’t been in a minute so gotta introduce me self :slightly_smiling_face:


@moocho! Happy cake day too!!! Still not midnight here so uhhh :sweat_smile: made it(?)
Rarely see you around but know you’re here! :partying_face::cake::tada:

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Thanks @framos1792, appreciate the tag. Unfortunately don’t get on here much anymore, we lost our family home in the bushfires on NYE (in Australia) so almost all free time is taken trying to sort life out. Nice to receive your message :slightly_smiling_face:


oh holy crap dude! im so sorry to hear that!!! it doesnt replace the physical home, but this is home in a different sense bud…!
are you in the process of rebuilding or moved on out??
here in ca were currently dealing with our own fires too, im a ways from it all personally but like…an uncle’s old stomping ground got burnt down 30 mins from here too…can def say i have at the very least heard and seen the stress and struggles these disasters cause in a split second…
wish you the very best holding the family together and building from the ground up bro!!! luctor et emergo and a phoenix is on my thumbnail…loosely means “i struggle but i’ll survive”, sounds like slightly dampened optimism but you just need that one bit of grit to rise back up from the ashes, literally in this case :hugs: really hope things are looking up by now! :call_me_hand:t2: :call_me_hand:t2:

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Hey @moocho happy cakeday :cake: :hugs: :green_heart:

As batmouse said, here is always a place to call home. Without any pressure or need to be around. Just to be welcome when ever you check in.
Strength to you and your family! :muscle:

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Happy cakeday @moocho :cake: :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the kind words @framos1792, they are appreciated. We are in the process of building a shed to move into until we work out the next step. We have been watching the CA fires on the news, it isn’t an experience anyone needs to endure. I hope people are ok.


Thanks @anna834, that is lovely.

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Happy cakeday! @moocho :cake:
We wish you the best to you and your family and friends. Build the community again and adopt a koala :sloth:. We read the great work done by the Australians during the fires. Keep up the good work.

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Happy cakeday @moocho :slight_smile:. And bloody hell man, I hope you’re still on your feet.

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Thanks @amitrish, much appreciated, yes we have adopted a koala :koala:

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Thanks @the_termin8r, yes not a day I ever need to experience again, still quite unbelievable.

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