@samuel_the_leader happy birthday
Wow I almost missed it, happy cakeday
Sam @samuel_the_leader and there are no words to describe how happy I am that you joined here back then and that I met you… ever since we encountered that night you helped me to learn a lot about life
and still do. I’m so thankful that you are recovering
and can’t even imagine this place without you-
I hope that you can leave the hospital soon… take care my dear friend-
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@LEUNRPHANTOM happy cakeday but
you are already 1 year here?? And
@no0rdinarysoldier - great to have you here guys
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Probably one year since he made the account. It counts a cakeday as the day you made your account on the official site, not how long you’ve been on the forums.
Thank you all so much!
I love you all!!