Happy birthday @mish3lka
Thank you all
Happy cakeday @StephLP18 - for the second time
- you deserve it twice my dear
Happy birthday @mish3lka, best baby-soldier mommy ever- enjoy your day
- let them celebrate you.
The last year was a very special one for you, becoming mom is a complete change of priorities and from what I see, Laura is a real sunshine
I wish you a great day
Happy birthday
@butintheend - have a great day
Happy cakeday @StephLP18! Glad you joined! and Happy birthday @mish3lka and @butintheend! Have a great day!
Thank you guys, you are so sweet all of you
Happy birthday, (sorry if it’s late)
Happy belated cake day @StephLP18
Happy belated birthday @mish3lka and @butintheend I hope you had a great day
What ya doing? Hoping around on the forums and making posts.
stop it
Off topic:
2 weeks of inactivity however, don’t worry I just checked out the game area. I’m off.
Happy birthday @mish3lka:birthday: Enjoy your day