"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

New teaser is up on their website :slight_smile:

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I was hoping to hear a nother little snippet at the end of the video hehe.
Anyway it is good, also I noticed “on…”

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error codeeeeeeeeee curse youuuuuu

Lol, that face


You have no idea how hard i just freaked out in the middle of math class.


Nice. I loved it. Hyped again! Also the song title is “only if we” in my opinion.



oblivion is out…

Haha! We all would freak out in Math class :slight_smile:

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New teaser up, but (in my opinion) nothing that they’ve already said…
Noticed the “on” too…

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So I definitely believe we will have songs that will make me ball tears. I am so excited! Maybe a single tomorrow, maybe Friday maybe next week! Either way, it’s so close I can almost hear it and I am hyped! So happy!


This means it’s close!!! Maybe Valentine’s Day like I originally thought!! i don’t care, they have me hyped again :joy:

They better not troll and and just release “Valentines Day” from MTM! :stuck_out_tongue:


What if it’s a remix :sweat_smile: i would laugh. Valentine’s Day Sequel!!

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definitely not tomorrow… if you finally take mike for his word he said after the rest of the clips new single would come
that places it valentines day unless the 8th clip is the actual single
almost there people!

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Maybe the name of the album is somehow hidden in the name of each teaser?) fisrt was Piano, this one is Honesty - ph… something. Well… sounds stupid😂


You know? I’ve never heard a happy or positive song than The Messenger and Iridescent. I expect something happier even with vocals and melodies between a bunch of deep songs :slight_smile:

Like, On Top Of The World for example, who knows, this seems to be really surprising.


New clip tomorrow then! We are there!

My guess would be that someting, a single, album release date or something, will be released on the 15th, since the 8th clip will be out on the 14th.

I do like the idea of a personal record and if today’s clip is any indication of a making of, I’m so down for that as well! But till I hear the full tracks, I won’t say if I like it or not. 15secs is nothing.


I also realized that “on” could also make One Thing. Just a thought.

“One thing” ? Just a thought? You don’t know why? :joy:

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