"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

I’ll do that. I have no LPU yet :s

Me neither. Almost bought the new package that had the scarf but decided to save my money until some time passes.

happy cake day @angeleene :smiley:

I start to think about going JAMAICA 28th Feb…

They’re not playing Jamaica, it was a mistake by the award show.

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Hahah thanks! :smile: Why Jamaica? :stuck_out_tongue:

:sob: they can t kill my dream before it began…

Lol. So where are they actually playing?

All the other countries we have mentioned in the Live thread.


this is such a handy website :slight_smile:

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I didn’t know what "cake day " mean lol slow fuse :joy::joy::joy:

happy cake day! :stuck_out_tongue: :cake:

Happy cake day as well. I can’t believe I didn’t post earlier. I must’ve blanked out to what the posts actually said :stuck_out_tongue:

Some posts about the upcomming single said it might be come out today… Made me really hyped, but no release happened yet. I deeply hope the new Single will be realesed as soon as possible so the long wait will be over xD


A question to you guys btw. How can I set a profile picture?

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When you go to the main page of the forum look towards the top left. There should be a link saying ‘back to linkin park’. Click it and it should take you to the main site, open the side menu (top right), then go to ‘my account’ (log in if you’re not), then go to ‘manage account’ then just set it and save.

Once you’re back on the forum you have to log out and then back in on the forum page for it to register the change from the main site.

Thank you for the detailed reply. I’m on my smartphone and your instructions seem to not work on this overlay, but I am going to try em on my computer.

No worries. Idk how to do it on a phone.

Wanna know what LP are doing right now? They’re driving somewhere. They shared a live video on Insta. May be hours before they reach their destination, and hopefully actually release the first single when they get there!


What makes you think they’ll release something today? o o
@wingsofdeath Where did you see those posts??

Probably just the way we were speculating earlier about the single release date