Once upon another time

So Lovebomber flew Fewa up to chase the alien spaceship

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as alter ego (ot from whom please) realizes lovebomber on the way to kept them, he saw the last chance to react: In his youth, there was a dream in wich he learnt the words: terraflue atlantic one over the other time. He knew thaat this was the moment he had to shout this words loud and clear:
THERE APPEARS Kanye West on the scene

(ot wish a really kik to the story)

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True enough the UFO crashes into the Atlantic Ocean:

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And then they come out, to face the world

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The Question Now Is: Where Is MIke Shinoda?

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The breeze whistled, “And I’m trying not to think what I’m leaving now. Cause I’m leaving now. It’s time you let me go. Let me go. Till then carry on. And miss me when I’m gone”

Now that the User and the Alter Ego were to start their journey without Shinoda’s blessings, they were warned

(OT: I have some free time to spare and I am thinking of creating a site. Any ideas? Disclaimer: Please do not feel angry if your ideas are not incorporated, or if I never start the project :stuck_out_tongue: )


omg the holy shinoda, dead…the world is rumpeling, the lpu and music world ecspecially WHAT TO DOß


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Danger! Shinoda Clone abound…

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In anger, Chester and his army of the female warriors drew their weapons and killed the aliens on the spot.

[You can always make a crazy story site :P]

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Now let’s find Shinoda’s body:

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Chester goes in search of more aliens, and more blood. Meanwhile the heavy rain that poured was enough to carry both the L-User & his alter ego, and dump them in the wonderland pit. Then yet again, Mike’s booming voice said the words of wisdom:

[@gatsie: I think LPU has already provided us with that platform. The world is not ready enough to handle the craziness that will ensue if it is released to general public :wink: Going further off-topic, I have been lurking these past few days, and it is fun. Keep that up.]

Damn the fewa´s thought, one body less,

his last words were "Keep the music clean! Than he dissapears, infront of the eye of everybody, it was creepy

Indeed… Goodbye Mike Shinoda… :crying_cat_face:

After what seemed like forever, Loser User and his alter ego landed at the bottom of the wonderland pit.
It was dark and it smelled weird.

[ot: there are worse things to be found on the internet :stuck_out_tongue: But what kind of website did you have in mind then? And thanks for lurking btw :blush:]

No wonder… Loser User fell into an open grave:

(Nobody here? Let the Legend of Shinoda live on…

lol :sunglasses:)

Itsy bitsy Spoderman came crawling down the grave,
saw all the corpses and wasn’t feeling great.
Loser User and his alter ego were both disgusted,
for to this scene they’d never ever become adjusted.

Outside of the pit, Chester has been outnumbered. We dont know who they are, but things dont look good.

[OT: Yeah, I have been to the dark side of the internet. Let’s not go there in a public forum. Also, if I had any idea what I wanted it to be, I wouldn’t have asked for suggestions. Right now I am all out of ideas. I seek help.)

What happened and where were the lady warriors who accompanied Chester? All that was certain, was that Chester was in need of aid fast and all he could think of, was to scream as loud as he could:

[OT: Ok ok, how bout a website titled Boku No Mike Shinoda? :stuck_out_tongue: ]

Due a ringtoneappearing on the whole planet, all their MEMORIES where lost eveb they don´t know their name or who they re, was it in cause of the loss o shinoda or a demonstracion of the power from the leader

the cutting crew arrived and bedgan to find, cause spooderman called them

t ot I don´t understand the discussion? Help me understand…