Once upon another time

Let’s go hunting:

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yerky unicorns? evangeline asked, looking very exhausted, but they were the puppies of my dreams when I was a young warrior…I´m desillusionated it feels, like a thousand needles are pinning in my head…

@samuel_the_leader why or what you´re tired about ???

“You murderers!” accused Evangeline:

(@The_early_walker finally u replied. That was a few days ago - the vending machine ate five bucks…)

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STOP that talking, there was a powerfull voice from out of the sky,


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“Stop what?”

“Exactly. Killing unicorns is so fucking fun!”

(@The_early_walker what’s so funny HÄÄÄÄÄ? The vending machine accepted my money without allowing me to get any drink from the vending machine)

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Introducing the alter ego of the L-User (pictured above):

And his motto is…

(OT: The story needed a strong character)

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And Loser User’s alter ego jumped onto the tank to face Shinoda with a magical mirror in his hand and said:

“Why are you killing your own kind? Don’t you remember that you are 95% unicorn yourself???”

Mike stared at his reflection in the mirror and was dumbfounded at what he saw staring back at him in the reflection.


So immediately he tries to find any kind of Alias
as lampignon

red haired


ot @Gatsie Yeah, you did it a 100%… love ya

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Suddenly it felt as if the world was shaking underneath him, but it was just Mike trembling and shaking.

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The whole world (to Mike) was In Stereo:

(ot: this is so nauseous i think i need to puke)

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The female warrior ladies watched it all happen and turned to Chester and asked:

“Is this the end of it all? Master Shinoda seems to be losing his marbles.”

One of the ladies even thought:

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Than, it takes a thunder from the sky, and with it´s noise

ot: ya need a bucket dude? (the häääääääääää?? doen´t means laughing, it means: Wtf does this mean…)


Spoderman wanted to take the alter ego with him, but the AE denied

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“What is taking so long? We ordered a unicorn days ago!” the aliens shouted impatiently.
“Can I have fries with that?” another alien added.

Then they noticed something different about Shinoda and discovered what Shinoda had discovered through the Alter Ego’s mirror: His unicorn traits.

“You know what? We’ll just have ourselves a Shinoda unicorn instead.” they said, with drool dripping down their chins.


“Run Shinoda Run!!!”

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But he has no chance, he wasn´t able to run faster than all his enemies,
so he was caught,

and looked at
in the mouth of a weapon, three meters in front of his face

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Bye Bye Mike… :sob:

Chester can’t save Mike:

“Fuck!!!” Chester groaned.

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Mike’s seemingly lifeless body collapsed and fell to the floor. The aliens beamed his motionless body up into their spaceship, the drool still dripping down their chins.

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“Now what do we do?” :cry:

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The group were in total dispair and grief at the loss of Mike Shinoda. Were they going to settle with what had just happened?

Alter Ego observed the group and got up on his feet, raising a fist in the air: “We will have to get him back! No way are the aliens going to have Mike Shinoda on a stick for dinner tonight. Fewa, Lovebomber; take us to their ship!” he shouted.

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