Once upon another time

Griefing also, Fewa the alien warrior lady fell to her knees beside the motionless body of Loser User.

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In the protective coat he hid in, Chester anxiously said, “Let’s get the hell outta here before we end up like this”:

“Am I right, Mike?


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at this moment, it seems like mike was waking up out of a very nice dream, his smile was tremendos,

the power of it was changing the whole scenery, everybody, fewa, chazzy, the other people (sure that I don´t know who else is there also, maybe time for a "Samu-Summary again?!) begann to laugh out of their mouthes, it sounds like

then, from out of the sky the lightning comes and hits direktly into user-loosers heart. Fewa couldnt believe it, he opens his eyes
and asked:…

“Holy Jesus Christ!!!” Loser User shrieked.

(@The_early_walker my name is Samuel not Samu - why I changed my profile name some months ago) (Ok the people here in the field are all the members of Linkin Park, Loser User, Mr Tumnus, Fewa, Evangeline. Btw how many female warriors are there?)

(@samuel_the_leader sorry dude, won´t steal you the last letters
there are five female warriors with lovebomber, but they can call lots more))

Fewa couldn´t realize, that loser user was awake…she feel the love of a thousand suns

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“Can we get away from this place right now?”
Chester gets the whole team running away from being in range of the artillery fire.

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Fewa had no more time

to feel and think about her state of mind,

“I´ve to run with the others, I´ve to run with the others” was bumping in her mind, and she ran…
as the guys were running away, they all knew: We have to be together, we´re a union, everybody follow Chazzy without any question, he was the natural born leader, so they manage to leave the battlefield together…

In his running, mike felt a kind of jealousy inside his heart,

I am the leader, it sounds in his mind

Yup Mike wants to be da boss:

Pinches the naughty, naughty, naughty Chester

And look at the band member’s reaction:

@The_early_walker where is @amitrish & @Gatsie?

Then out of a pond nearby, Hypnotoad appeared again. And he wasn’t having it; for Hypnotoad considered itself the only true leader of all things.


Hypnosis? Uh oh…

Too late…

So the trance arrived at all the running people and made them


Helfen zu aufhören Die Hypnotisch Hypnotoad!!!

(@The_early_walker I see u changed ur profile pic again)

(tot: @samuel_the_leader Yeah it´s from the film Avatar, ya lik it abit?)
So they all fell on their knees, like it would be said to them, then they realized, that Mr. Tumnus was playing on his flute…!!!
ot @gatsie @samuel_the_leader I´ve written to amitrish, no answer, maybe she´s on hollydays

The User and the warriors plan a retreat so as to seek further help, since now the world’s nos as it seemed only a few days ago. Bleakness and Scarcity of everything is hurting the war.

Off-topic: I am back, and I am a “He”. I have always been a “He”.

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Uh oh our car has no fuel, so we’re stuck in the middle of the desert…

(ot @amitrish welcome back, missed ya, but omg you´re sure? You are so damn cute, I thought, you must be a SHE! For gods sake I learn, that even a HE could be so nice :relaxed:)
So, the situation was very depressed . everyone got stuck in his mind .
At this moment Evangelin went to Fewa :

We must do something , otherwise we are doomed to die …

Fortunately help is on the way…

“Yay!!!” - Phoenix

“We’ve landed”

(@The_early_walker Sorry took a long effort to get this gif small enough to be uploaded - that same red helicopter)

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but, as always, nothing was what seemed to be. The helicopter transforms and attacks the team. This is one of the moments when the User shows his courage.

