Once upon another time

The Loser User could hear the sound of music coming from a cave in the forest. Curious, he walked towards it and saw a door and peaked through it’s windows, to see Mr. Tumnus playing his flute and dancing with Fewa. He felt a strange feeling boiling in him, as if he were jealous because he suddenly realised that…:

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“So it’s you! You’re the one who tie me to the bed and left me there!” Loser User scolded Fewa.

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Fewa looked out towards tumnus:Mr. Tumnuss, he has arrived…
and in that moment user looser felt sth among his neck

it was as someone else moves his fingers and arms, he grab the guitar and his body performed while his head is thinking"What happens here"? Mr Tumnus stopped his flute and the user loser singer and guitarrist starts:

The miracle is told…

With a pleased smile, Mr. Tumnus looked at the Loser User while listening to his magical song and then he turned back to Fewa.

“Dearest, you’ve honored me with a dance today. Honor him with a dance also, it will add to the magic.”

And so the warrior woman walked over to Loser User and began to dance to his magical song.

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The next thing we knew, User was jamming with LP as guitarrist.

Obviously Mike would be jealous, since it’s no longer Bennoda but BenUser… :laughing:

Yeah, stucked by his jealousy, cause he wanted a part od it, Benusoda or so called, it switches inside his lhead and he let hear a loud: Whhhrrrrrrighht! BENUSODA HAS THE POWER:::::::::

Mike channelizes his demonic powers, and summons the EvilAngel that he had hid inside since time immemorial. She appears out of the thin air like a sunrise made up of white lies.

BENUSODA indeed. Awesome threesome trio.

(had problems uploading)

The evilangel=evangeline become aware, her body was forming more and more and appears in a ray of rainbowlight which flashed benudods eyes, it´was the moment, he knew since the old Magician had taught him this song in childhood: three became one and the rainbow flashes your eyes, than, my little mekel, you will see the key right in front of you, in the same moment as benusoda was thinking this thoughts, he opend his burning eyes and saw

and realized…

bullshit, he thought, that was the miracle? kind of kidding me, and he became angry, than he get aware of a rumbling near by his side, he looked and was overwhealmed
He saw his old dude dj jörg. He benusoda, lets have a session, you´ll got the right spirit now, that was the miracle: You have to save the world, for that, you have to make musik, C´mon dude lets rock

And so Benusoda started his order…

Off Topic: Participate guys, it´s getting more fun…

Benusoda had to get their message out to the world, so they used subliminal messaging…

(During Rock On The Range did u see ‘NOV 24’ flash behind MIke - It’s real - Fort Minor’s next album debuting on this date)

An alien invites him to fight a duel during the show, and the User replies

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Mike Shinoda is going gladiator style…


Benusoda went trough the streets of LA searching for some guys, to realize his plans with him, so he get dressed like a sweet bear (hi gatsie :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

he walked along and certainly

he saw a sign, like it came direkt from heaven (or hell, he didn´t knew) But he has to follow the sign, he had no chance
and then he met

…ot I´m away for a week, please let the story go on!!!

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Mike freaked out when he saw the guy he quickly, quietly Slip Out The Back before the guy chase him.

(Phew… I didn’t realize anyone was there until this burqa fellow started going after me. )

Up in the sky, Love Bomber flew towards Mike Shinoda and picked him up in his claws.

Mike’s View: