Once upon another time

Mr. Tumnus could see Fewa hiding behind the bushes. He looked up from his flute and a sly grin spread upon his face as he said;

“Dearest warrior, I’ve been expecting you to come! Please, do not be frightened. Where is the wandering user?”

“You won’t scold me if I told ya right???” Fewa replied cautiously
“I tied him to the bed :blush:

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“Why you naughty, naughty girl. How faun-like of you!” Mr. Tumnus complimented her.
“But yet, you are here and he is left on the bed unattended? Surely, you need to reconsider your tactics, am I right?” he asked.

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“Well, he sure deserves it!”

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“So this is your revenge?” Mr. Tumnus asked

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Meanwhile, the Loser User couldn’t stand this ‘asylum’ anymore. “Get me outta here!!!” but nobody would hear him…

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and as the looser user is liying on his cot he sceamed heartbreakinly and it SOUNDS like CATS AND DOG (aha the dogs are back) HOWLING at the moon, he felt himself torn into pieces and it was hurting…
Right in that moment there was a sound arppearing noisy and loud
it sounds like millions and millions of dogs barking wild and bloodthirsty

God bless the looser user thought, ´cause he knew:

meanwhile fewa is really exhausted…

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Chester entered the room where Loser User is with his dog, beginning to interrogate the Loser User.
“So, User? What do you have to say for yourself?” Chester interrogated.

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Meanwhile, back in the forest, Mr Tumnus smiled sheepishly at Fewa and said;
“Dear one. How would it be if you had tea with me? It will make you feel better.”

Without waiting for an answer, the faun gently took Fewa by the arm and together they hopped to Mr Tumnus’ little house, where they sat down for tea.

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“What tea would it be???”

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Meanwhile, Chester had taken the blindfolds off the Loser User and watched the user quietly in his chair.

“I need to explain myself to you? Give me a break! Why are you torturing me like this?” Loser user shouted.

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and so the fewa is expecting her first time, drinking tea with the Mr Tumnuss,a man or faun, as peacefull and royal, all her aggressions calm down (ot: oh my god, lets sell this tea!!!)
Chester, the dogs and the sowjl arriveed at user-looser, and he asked the one question, that there ist to ask:

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“Will you stop hurting yourself and allow the love to take over you?” Chester asked.

With that, Chester’s dog walked up to Loser User and with its large tongue it licked him all over his face.

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(OT: my friend’s dog so cute… Just like @Deborah_Arena MOMO)


and soon the User and the dog who had licked him were in sync (as in the movie The Pacific Rim)

And the the Dog confessed his love for the User

(OT: There you go @The_early_walker. I have started the love story you wanted :kissing_heart: )

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Overwhelmed by the love and tenderness from Chester’s dog, Loser User came at ease and a big smile spread upon his face from ear to ear.

“Love is the key, my friend. Maybe now you are ready for the next step.” Chester said calmly.

Back in Mr. Tumnus cave, Fewa had sipped the last drop of yet another cup of marvelously tasting tea.

“So, were you expecting me to come and drink tea with you or is there more to this meeting?” The alien warrior woman asked curious.

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So Chester stood up with arms wide open:

“Are u ready to embrace my arms?”

“Oh wait u forgot to untie me!” User complained. “That woman…”

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chester´s yelling to the dogs: untie that man! and the dog(s?) are doing as it was said. The user looser
rubs his aching joints. He looked up at Chester. In the moment, when their eyes met, both men feel the data stream that flowed between them,

it was overwhelming. After the mental state of the user was updated, he said firmly: I understand! He turned around and went, tormented as he was, through the door and disappeared. Chester sat back and smiled contentedly.

Then he ordered the dog sto go and protect him … he has to fulfill an important task!
@amitrish yeah, love is all around

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Unfortunately the User got lost in the forest…

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( totally ot:Why? let him get experiences - a little bit, he´s a man, or would become one, so help him out and don´t stop him one after the other…keep united) Maybe we need a new Topic to have supervision about our storyboard :joy: lav ya al :two_hearts:

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