Once Upon A Time [3]: Reloaded

(Keep running) Chester, keep the dolls, take them away from my crazy aunt, it´s too much to take, burn the bridges down, although it will smoke a lot…Andchezzy-chesterman-cazB was reacting like he never did anything else, grap the dolls and

OT: no rules and regulation about this, everybody should use the words, which are comming, thats totally ok, if songlyrics than songlyrics, if not than noot, :stuck_out_tongue: @gatsie if the poetry is kissing you, don´t denie it, it good! @samuel_the_leader :laughing: you´re in the swirl you don´t even know @amitrish :ok_hand: l

Chester grabs the dolls and runs like a mad man in order to save his and Mike’s lives.

[OT: @The_early_walker :sunglasses:]

“Noo! Chester dear, bring me back my dollls!” Aunty Funny yelled. With that, she vanished into the night.

Mike thought he finally could find release. But then the dark liquid took it’s tole on him. Everything started to spin in front of his eyes. He collapsed to the floor and fell into a deep deep sleep.

[OT: LP characters cannot die, but they can still be tortured :P]

Chester was like “Please don’t faint. I won’t be ignored!” and tried to wake Mike up, wake him up inside.
But epic fail nope not happening. So Chester curiously went and meddle with the voodoo doll. He made the doll sit up and so did Mike, like a reanimated body (yes I know he ain’t dead). At last he made the doll straighten its back to stand up and so did Mike.

At least I´m the leader, the leader of Mr. Shinoda, I am a fortuned one, I´ve waiten my hol life for the sun, that never comes, but in a ray of light that blinded every angel, I get back whats mine. He didn realize that these evil thoughts are caused of the other doll in his hand: I can controll Mike Shinoda! Stand up, he yells to the doll, and Mke was stamding up. So he get a bad plan…
ot only real soldiers have a topic on their own in the lpu hähähä :joy_cat:

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Chester then asked the voodoo doll: “Are you the reason why my Shinoda doesn’t take off his shirt for the fans?”
He then lifted the shirt of the voodoo doll. It works! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

(Chazzy Chaz definitely owns Mikey Mike now :wink:


While Chester was playing with Mike’s voodoo doll and with Mike’s body, Mike’s mind had entered into a dream-state. The smell of lavender overwhelmed him and he found himself lying in a field of purple flowers.

He leaned upon his elbows to lift his upper body and looked around. The field of flowers seemed to be infinite. Rows and rows of flowers, a light blue sky with not a single cloud and a delightful breeze that playfully brushed through his hair. It was such a peaceful and lovely place.

Not far away, he noticed a little cottage in the middle of the flower field.


“Anyone home?” Mike asked. No reply.

Scent of lavender was overwhelming. Mike began to sneeze (he has asthma)

(OT: have u been to a lavender farm? I did and my hair and everything smelled of lavender (Ah choo))

As Mike, himself in his mind on a reflectional level, ask ( or asks??? my process :stuck_out_tongue: ya no?!) Oh sorry OTOTOT!!!) himself: What´s up here at least, my last psycodelig(Ive first written …dolig) experience is so long ago, wth is this fucking smell like teen spirit? (OT Nirvana is allowed, do ya agri??) Why I get this feeling all over my body to make me leaving my shirt, my shorts, swallowed, followed, happy ´bout everything but myself…he realized, that at least he has an errection, my god, what did chazzy-c-chesterB. done with his p…???

Then the door creaked open.

Mike’s face became as red as a tomato. There he was, in the midst of a lavender field, in front of an opening door of a strange cottage; butt naked and feeling mighty strange. Thinking fast, he pulled some flowers from the field and covered himself with it.

The door creaked some more.


Meanwhile Chester was controlling the voodoo doll making Mike pole dancing

& other kinky erotica stuff

There, where the door was opened, a light flues out. Mikey-doll in chesters hand became lightening also. Stopp it, the voice of real Shinoda shouted: I´m burning down, it feels like the face inside is right benath the skin, Help, he yelps with a kind of hysteric undertone, lets call in the undertowe…Who shouted like this? the voice came from the inside of the cottage

OMG what has Chester done to Mike’s body?

Mike is so horny he’s burning down there…

(OT: @The_early_walker why???:

Now how is the story going to continue? @Gatsie @amitrish are y’all here?)

Oh wait there is no other doll: there is only one doll belonging to MIke.

(OT @samuel_the_leader calm down, it´s everything fine, my fantasies are going in a dirghty directions and I´ve to keeep it clean, havn´t I) look at me, mike yelped to chester,

you´ll burn me down, chester remember we are friends

(OT: @The_early_walker dirty mind? Well that’s our Bennoda :blush: . So has our Mikey Mike woken up already?)

Mike enters the room to find one of the FEWA’s lifeless body lying in the bed. A vivid character follows him inside only to Mike’s realisation that it’s her soul.
As soon as the soul enters the body, she sits upright, sees Mike, and says, “Oh dear! you too have fallen prey to Fake Chester?”

As Mike realized, that he wasn´t alone anymore, he felt it floating on his body, he feels very connected to the soul of the FEWA, and in his mind he´s asking himself: That might be a fake, this angel soul…

he was sure, she was sent from hell…what a mistake!

“Fake Chester??? You’re the fake one, FEWA!!! You are alien & you pretended to be human.”


I need to