Once Upon A Time [3]: Reloaded

Lovebomber is a hero. He believes in only 1 thing: “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”

[OT: are you guys fighting? 'cuz this is not the place to do so. Please leave that to the aliens and the FEWA.]

What have I done??? Looks like @The_early_walker ain’t coming back to the story no more :expressionless:

Lorenzo also gave me that look, & I dunno if Lulu wanna laugh or cry.

Chester is also giving me dat face… :fearful:

OK so now we’re waiting for @Gatsie cuz if she don’t come, nobody else is left to continue the story…





… and that’s when everyone realized…

Ok so my prev post showed LP waiting in their private island.

But now we need to find @Gatsie, since it’s Too Late to get @The_early_walker to turn back now (She posts in other topics completely bypassing this one)

So our dear Lorenzo with his homies goes back to the mainland in order to try to
find @Gatsie. Which him all the best of luck :smile:

I don’t know how long it has been since I heard this, and with the tune, both the men, @samuel_the_leader & I went in search of the 2 ladies - @The_early_walker & @Gatsie, because we all are…

That movie was released in 2012. Oh dear not the 2012 end of the world paranoia thing again! That year I hear so many songs about end of the world on the radio:

Scotty was not able to focus on his assignment. He too wanted to know where @Gatsie and @the_early_walker were. And so he decided to follow @amitrish and @samuel_the_leader to assist them in their search. He went looking for the guys and finally saw them walking along the shore.

“Guys! @samuel_the_leader and @amitrish! Wait! I will help you in your search for your friends.” Scotty shouted as he ran up to them.

@amitrish and @samuel_the_leader stopped walking and waited for Scotty until he had reached them.
Scotty tried to catch his breath and lit himself a cigarette.

“I want to help find the girls.” he said and looked across the open water.

In the far distance he could see a bottle floating on the water.

Then suddenly they saw Mike running up to them as well. Mike had been following Scotty because he had lend his lighter to Scotty but never got it back. And he was in a real need of a smoke.

“Scotty! Where’s my lighter!” Mike yelped.

“Sorry mate, didn’t know I had your lighter.” Scotty said.
He searched his pockets and found the lighter in his pack of cigarettes. He was about to hand the lighter to Mike, when Mike snatched the pack of cigarettes from Scotty’s fingers

“You smoke?!” @samuel_the_leader asked surprised.

“Yes!!! Thank you!! So what are you doing up here anyway?” Mike asked and lit up a cigarette.

“We are looking for our friends.” Scotty answered.

“Have you seen the @gatsie and @The_early_walker anywhere?” @amitrish added.

He did not know that @Gatsie had somehow ended up in an empty wine bottle and that it was her bottle he saw floating about in the middle of the sea.

[OT: I’m back you guys. Last week was moving day and had no internet in the new house until today. My back is sore from lifting heavy boxes, but I’m almost settles and happy to be online again :smiley:
And uh… OMG people, what is going on here??? ]

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The bottle was dragged to the shore, and @gatsie was unable to get out. She waited.

Meanwhile the guys has gone in different directions in search of the 2 missing members. @amitrish went to space to seek help of the Gods of the Dead Realm. @samuel_the_leader went to the land of the Ago. He will go back in time and track the steps of @gatsie and @The_early_walker. Mike with his lighter went to the Fire Nation. Scotty in the meantime, remained in the present and was looking for the girls.
Soon @gatsie sees him looking for her, and she is filled with …ahmmmm… desires that are beyond explanation. She prepares herself for the time when she will meet him, and soon…

@Gatsie Omg ur back!!! Where’d you go? I miss you so, seems like it’s been forever, that you’ve been gone.”
@samuel_the_leader asked.
@Gatsie, how did u end up in the bottle???
Also @amitrish, @Gatsie, can any of u try to persuade @The_early_walker to return to the story?
She’s probably still angry with me so the more I chase her, the more she runaway.”

(Yup @The_early_walker seems to have traveled back in time to when I was 8-12 years, to the carefree times she had when it was all party time - the time well before she had her (now 11 year old) daughter.)

Meanwhile Anna was waiting back where the rest of LP was, waiting for Mike and the others to come back to the private island from the mainland, so she sang this song all by herself, without MIke: :cry: :

[OT: What happened between @The_early_walker & @samuel_the_leader?]

Heyo @gatsie, I see the story continues, have to read first then my action comes right back, and @amitrish :dart: thanx

So at the other side there came a boat insight

as they came nearer the´d a look inside and saw

@gatsie reacte at first, cause @samuel the leader had freed her out of her bottle, could he maybe keep the @The_early_walker who lies there alive, amitrish, Scotty and Mike and @amitrish arrived right at that second…

Meanwhile, Mike had reached the Fire Nation and the Fire Lord had invited him for a hot drink.


The drink gave Mike new ideas.

So meanwhile @amitrish & @Gatsie & Scotty are looking down at the body of @The_early_walker:

#(Look at the similarities between the pictures)

“It’s definitely @The_early_walker alright!” @Gatsie exclaimed. “So how are we going to bring her back to life?”

right at this moment, Lorenzo arrived at the scenery, he seemed to be very confused, Lulu was following afterwards:“No”, she crys, not yet another soldier, who is it?"

“The early Walker”, said @amitrish, even confused as all the others at the scenery,
Mike had drunken his ho Drink from the Fire Lord, he became kind of high, in that second he spitetd the drink mentally on the early walker, so she stood uo and was whole again

“Thanks for bringing me back to life,” @The_early_walker thanked Mike. “OMG It’s Mike & Lorenzo, it’s like it’s the M&G again!”

Lorenzo was like, “@The_early_walker Do you want anything to eat?”

(Can’t find pics of just Mike & Lorenzo together)

“Thank you, need a cigarette right now” she spit out on the body and trys to oriantated herself, “what the fuck had happend” she ask by smoking the cigarette, lovely @gatsie had equal lit and right given it to her

two women smoked the cigarre and calm down, both were free again, they looked in each others eyes and suddenly starting laughing as they were crazy, they can´t stopp it anymore, than @amitrish joined in, everybody at least was laughing all the pressure up and took a deep breath after it,

“Scotty, can you beam us up?” Mike twinkled with his eyes in the direktion of Scotty, who was still lauhing his arse off
he early walker asks

@The_early_walker asks, “Mike u wanna smoke?”

“Sure why not?” Mike took a cigarette.

Then they heard a car approaching. In it were the other Linkin Park guys and Patrick Starfish. Joe Hahn was driving like maniac.

As soon as the car was parked, all of the guys and Patrick Starfish got out.

“How can you smoke at a time like this?! We come with horrible news!” Chester said.
“It is horrible, Patrick cannot stop crying since it happened!” Brad added.

“It’s true!” Patrick cried.

“What happened” asked @samuel_the_leader.

“It’s like, that Willow Terra witch man.” Brad said.
“She is growing evil corn babies for an army and uses her pee to water the corn plants.” Said Joe.
“That’s gross…” said Scotty disgusted.
“Here’s the gross part; Willow kidnapped Spongebob to pee on him, so she can use him to water the evil corn babies with. The ugly things have grown faster this way and they look hideous!” said Chester.


As the children of WT were being described, amitrish could feel the connection. Long before, he had seen a movie and knew how to fight this problem, if only temporarily. They all ran to the nearest movie rental, and sat down to revisit the movie.