So, as The Fewa, in her majesty, stands up and advices in a strong, but clear and lovesupposed voice, the other guys inside the cave, after sm of the guys just
away at least Spongy, Starfish, the alien lady, only the pidgeon pharao was still with them…
There were left only the 6 guys of the band,
Doc Brown and Mr. Cumnus to buildt the circle The Fewa invited to.
“Get your attention on your breath while giving the person next to ya the hand!” the clear voice didn´t let go any comments by the guys, even chester was not kidding…“then close your eyes alltogether and breath on, go on with your closed eye and send all your energy to the thirdeye, btw the eyebrowns”…her advices were so fluently given, nobody even think about sth else then breathing and looking thrue the third eye:
“You SEE, if you look and belive, you can even see with closed eyes.”
"It´s like…"Chester was searching for words… “SHHHHHHHHHH!” The Fewa advices him to go on in concentration, the energycircle is working “Look at what you see and explore it, get a bound together, as you see, in the energetic world we need no words, we´re communicate by our inner voices, no volume, remember it is all in yourself.” Now she even closes her eyes and enters the energetic world.
Her body was seeable for the others but only as enlightened shadow like this
She joined into the circle and got in it´s middle:
“Guys, look at youself” “You really need no volume I hear you as you´re speaking real” Chesters voice came without volume right into the heads of the others. Then one after the other tries to join the discussion in the energetic circle. “NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY: You as the Band Linkin Park and all infront your natural born leader Mike just even have changed the world right now. You got a large fan-base, you helped them thrue the bad and worse times, and we as “Bound of shining Stars enlightened” descided to give the power and force of leading the world into ya hands!”
There was a lil dizzy and flashlightening in the energycircle seeable. “Me I´m supposed to be the guardian angel for ya guys, you can call me everytime everywhere by joining the energetic world…have to leave now, but your time-machine-probs are solved meantime. Jump into your time machine. Mike., you´re about waking up at the hospital, Anna is by your side, the guys also. So, no more time in the Energy World…jump all out by opening your eyes, sm deep breathes, than sit all in the Deloren, you will refind you in the hospital, Mr. Cumnus, Doc Brown, thanks for everything”, she bows her head to them, to show her respect. “We will call you if we need you, you will be at home, when arriving with the timemachine…Bye guys, all the best, until next time, bye…”
After a lightning The Fewa was away. The guys did, how they where told to, everybody feels the power and the honor, the energy gave them, as they sit in the Delorean, Doc Brown says: “OK, keep on going”