Thank you @4lexpect
I wonder how YouTube generate clicks. Does anyone can generate only 1 click per day right?
870 011 881 views
870 754 329 views
872.977.202 about 2 million all 3 days, someone can calculate the 1 billion date?
We have to get more a day because at this rate we would cross a billion in a little less then 200 days which puts is in January but if we can get 100,000 more a day it puts at the end of November beginning of December because you said 666 thousand a day lots try to get to 800 thousand to make the goal
Usually, we get more for Thursday’s, Fridays Saturday’s and Sunday’s. If we can get to 900 million by 20th July, it is best for us then we know that we have a few months to get to a billion views.
We need to get 900 million by July 20th
Let’s make this are focus right now
Sorted then. 900 million or more by 20th July.
873,639,359 views so far
166,360, 641 views to go
we can do this for Chester
For Linkin Park!
yes let’s do this
It’s hard to see the view count In this video
But thank you for your support
I played it so many times this afternoon.
It’s rare this, I have another number…
Right Now: