New song demo! New album within the year!

Hey man…@the3rdtausk :tada::tada::grin: or Hey stockyard :tada: cool changes already and all the best for the further changes - sending you strength @the3rdtausk, life’s playing you roller coaster- I keep my fingers crossed that everything works out the way you want it to- good going with the fundraiser campaign :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: And I know everything is going the direction that you will make music forever- and maybe- since you’re open for collaborations - maybe you can connect with @rickvanmeijel- our residential music man - very talented- inspiring and productive + a master in sm campaigns :blush::muscle:t2::+1:t2:

Thanx for the update bro - :grin: sending you good vibes from here - and we are here whenever you need to talk - rant or if you just need a hug- … even if you’re not here very often- in a family nobody gets lost :stuck_out_tongue::crazy_face::hugs: for good and for worse :joy::joy:


You’re too kind :blush:. But yes, I’m always open for collaborations @the3rdtausk :grin:


Hey man, it’s good to hear that you’re still hanging in there and trying to sort things out.

You are all so wonderful to me. Thank you all so so much! In regards to me being a manuyfacturer, Not yet! I’m working on my first prototype right now. It’s a slow process, but my “Workshop” is not very sound proof so the neighbors wouldn’t be too happy if I did this constantly. I hope that I can manage to get aplace with a garage or even a nice isolated basement for this stuff. Despite my limitded budget.

As for collaborating, that would be amazing! I’ve loved doing that. The few experiences I’ve had were absolutely amazing.

Anyways, thank all of you for being so supportive of me. I only wish I could give back somehow!


Cool! I’m currently in the midst of a few projects, so we’ll see when’s the right time to start :slight_smile:

No worries, you can give back by staying around here :smile:


I’ll do my best! I’m really bad at the whole social thing


We too :stuck_out_tongue: that’s why call this platform underground :joy:


Mind is blown :open_mouth:


Jajaja I loved this commentary :blush:

BTW Nice to hear news from you @the3rdtausk good luck with the workshop :smile:


Friends, Followers, and Foes! It is I, Ryuushin! You once knew me as The3rdTausk, but after a long while of silence, I have returned!

Yes my re-introduction is over tge top but hayyyy. New song!


Hey man! Welcome back :smile: nice to see you again.

Amazing song once again. I’m still remember your other songs, all of them incredible :partying_face: :tada:

Hey welcome back! And what a nice return this is, enjoyed the song! The ending audio clip is a really nice touch as well :smile:

Thanks guys! Means a lot! I have have another pretty huge project on the go too. Not just a new album, but also a full fledged aninated series that IM animating! boom