Hi! My name is Maria from Spain. I’m new here and wanted to share with all of you my tribute to Chester B. I did it 2 months ago. Hope you like it!!
You’re talented. Do more!
thank you!
That’s really pretty. You have nice art skills
Holy Chester! Awesome! I love it so much! And welcome to the community!
Thank you so much. I’m glad to be part of the community!
Very well done! like it so much!
Welcome new soldier!
Thank you! I have to say that I’ve listened LP since I had 14 (now I’m 28). But I didn’t know LPU. My mind was in other things
Yeah… I understand you… I joined in july… hope you’ll enjoy stay in here!
I can’t stay a day without check the forum posts… feels like home…
I’m sure I’ll enjoy it with all of you So thank you again.
I promise check forum posts everyday…
You’re welcome! see you around!
STUNNING!!! Perfect honoring of Chester
Thank You so much!!
Wow. This is beautiful