My/her/his/your phone

My new wallpaper. Pic taken by me


Wallpaper change

Telegram bg change


I caught it on the beach in Normandy (France). I was so happy because it’s my favorite one. :heart_eyes:

Aye!! Piikaaachhhooooo!! :heart_eyes:

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I love the Chester wallpaper it the best one

I have this currently


Just changed my phone background

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Did you try testing again? I usually do 2 or 3 tests at a time to be sure.

The spotify app just shot straight to the top of my ‘most idiotic apps’ list. I downloaded it today and it wouldn’t even let me play the tracks of an album in order (It said I have to get the paid version), it only let me shuffle them. So I decided to hit shuffle play only to get a 2 min long advert and then when they were over the stupid thing started playing a song that wasn’t even on the album I chose. Pile of utter shit.

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Still not great :confused:

Adding vk app with its ruined interface which doesn’t lag but feels like it has been made by people who have d—s for the eyes and matches for fingers
Plus the PlayStation app which is just horrible

Even with it’s cripled interface vk is much more convenient than facebook. I mean, I have to do 2 times less effort to even find my photographs.

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New Rob. I mean wallpaper


Thought that @the_termin8r got an update lol


I know u love some rob. He is your favorite guy in the band I still think he amazing Drummer than anybody else.

Are you sure? :joy: :joy: :joy:


I I meant to say drummer ugh my mind don’t work early in the morning.


Loooool!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: