@gatsie, @acemasters, @rickvanmeijel, @the_termin8r, @samuel_the_leader
Ok, it turned out to be pretty short, so it may very well be a song. I don’t know. I was able to gain some extra free time to type it up earlier than tonight. It was named Music’s Child , but the title of course can be changed. Here it is:
You came to me when I was very young as a light in my time of darkness.
You brought to me a gift that nobody has or ever will bestow
For that I love you so.
I hear your prophets of song sing above my screams of despair. I am older now, completely emerged in you. I sing with you. Dance with you. Become one with you.
Loving you was the best thing that happened to me.
As others take you away from me, I slip back into my darkness. I can barely see you anymore. The screams are getting louder. I feel my life force slip away. My soul cried, “CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!”
My love is dying.
( This part is about LInkin Park) One day on a hot summer’s day I was riding in the back of a car. I heard your serene angel scream, radiating within me, turning me into myself again. I fought for you and with you, becoming music’s child.
I love you for making me the fighter that I am today.
Thank You
Ok, what the hell did I just write? Lol