Mike shinoda underground

If you love Mike Shinoda…please like the page below on facebook, thanks!!!

Isn’t one topic enough?

Three topics in three different forums, seriously? [size=15]Holy Shinoda!! :stuck_out_tongue:[/size]

Sorry guys… It´s so bad like that???..I´m just trying share something about my idol…in his page!!! Don´t judge me…just like the page if you want…

i have seen this post before… was it in a dream? no it was somewhere else :3

[quote=intheend]i have seen this post before… was it in a dream? no it was somewhere else :3

^^indeed! lol

It is. Stop it.

hahaha, don’t feel bad, I got momentarily blocked from sharing things publicly on facebook because I over loaded one of the LP facebook fan pages with a youtube link for a thank you video I made for them. Kinda like this

Shinoda is the best!!

they will close your topic.