This is my first post in a long time. I hate to do it in this way. Pain never ends. But love always remains and that is where I (or we) get the strength to go forward.
This saturday July 24th we had a vigil ceremony where we honored Chester.
Everyone have their own way to keep their thoughts to a soul. But there are people who need help, who need to be alongside someone. As the song says, “may your love never end, and if you need a friend, there’s a sit here alongside me”, autoconvocated Fans met at the Obelisk of our capital city bringing flowers, pictures of him, letters, drawings, candles, and TONS of tears in their eyes.
This event rejoined all people who was in need of love, hugs filled all the void of their hearts, and anxiety took some levels down due to that.
From Buenos Aires, Argentina. Just fans who miss him So Much, in shock, trying to take dimension of all his legacy.