Memorial/tribute for chester in the Netherlands

Hi guys, i searched on the forum for a topic about a memorial or something in the Netherlands but i can’t find it. So i make a new topic with my ideas. I hope there are more people from the Netherlands who likes this idea and want me to help me with it. So as we know there comes a tribute concert in Los Angeles on oktober 27th. For me it’s to far away :frowning: That’s why i thought about or own tribute for Chester here in the Netherlands. It havn’t to be big but i want to say goodbye for the last time and i want to say goodbye with all the other people who love chester and Linkin Park! I think there are a lot of people in the Netherlands who want to say goodbye for the last time but can’t go to the tribute concert. Maybe we can say goodbye together on oktober 27th in Amsterdam. With candles for chester and sing all together “one more light”. Please leave a comment so we can make it happen and say goodbye together :heart:
(sorry if my englisch isn’t very well xd)


If you don’t matter, I will ask to the moderators that move your topic. It will help you with your idea.

@derek or @jFar920 can you put this topic where it must be, please? I’d do but I don’t where it should be. Thanks in in advance.

@ ironsoldier16 Thankyou! I don’t know where this topic belong so if they can move it, it’s great!! :slight_smile:

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There have already been 2 memorials as far as I know. In Amsterdam and in Utrecht I believe.

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