M&G Details (Cologne)

Hey everyone!
I won a M&G for tonight’s show in Cologne and the initial email said that details (time and place) for the M&G would be the subject of another email that is due to arrive today.
Has anyone got their details yet or when are they usually sent out, seeing that I do not live in Cologne and hence have to leave pretty early.


Nothing yet ;-(

Same here…
…well at least I am not the only one then.
Will have to leave in about 2 hours the very latest though, so it would be great if we got the information any time now then… :confused:
I can probably access my email account with my phone, but that is not as reliable as opposed to just doing it on my computer and I’d rather print it out anyway.

Hope also they will come soon

Check your inbox, should be there now!
See you at the show! :slight_smile: