LPU Summit In Chicago

Hey! Were you at the LPU Summit in Chicago!? This is another great way for us to keep in touch!


Hey Joe!!! I was there…lol

I wasn’t able to go because I was sick!. Wasn’t that the summit that Adam attended? I remember seeing a pic of him in it that was taken there.

Yup! Been there, done that. I was only russian there :).
Definitely worth to fly that far. One of the best experiences for sure!

BTW, new LPU website is dope! Soo much better, than linkinpark.com castrated version! I’m happy we have LPU site back![mrgreen]


Hey! I thought, maybe lets share our photos from the summit here too!
Anyway, here’s my album: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.495691134402.273450.552464402&type=1

I was there, exhausted and frozen from the trip from Detroit, but it was so worth the back to back days seeing Linkin Park perform and to attend the LPU Summit. I really hope to attend another one because that is a day I will never forget.

I was there! I dont know if anyone remembers but we asked if LP would ever play QWERTY again haha.

I remember. :slight_smile:

Yep, I was there as well :slight_smile: Can’t believe it’s almost been a year!!

Definitely gotta do it again! :slight_smile:

I know I can’t believe it either :smiley:

I was there too :smiley: Best birthday present ever :stuck_out_tongue: [I was wearing the LPU4 shirt and had a blue bag in tow that had a scrapbook page I had the guys sign :stuck_out_tongue: ]

I was there! I went with my buddy who is just as big as a fan as me. I had never gone to a single LP show in my life and I joined LPU1 two months after it launched. When I went through the M&G I told Mike that and he said that blew him away. Haha anyways I have a few videos from it. Check it out:

Also, the big group shot of the LPU members and LP you can pick me out easy. Im the one that sticks out to the left wearing an LPA shirt.

Sweetness :smiley:

I so need to work on collecting and saving the pix you guys took for my scrapbook :stuck_out_tongue: (I would have taken my own but the camera I had was a POS - iPhone cam… and the3 phone was damn near dead so I barely got any pix)

I’ll hopefully get the scrapbook finished one of these days and I’ll post scans of it when it is :smiley: