LP and MBTI types


This one does my friend… it’s not just a test!
It has been commercialized a lot but still, once you read about your type you understand so much!
Life is all about knowing ourselves anyway…
that’s why we enjoy LP :slightly_smiling:

I took the test at my 20s and scored it wrong twice (INTP) because i thought the choices i made were the results of “thought”
while in fact they were results of emotional intelligence instead.
That is something very hard to distinguish if you don’t have the experience with yourself.
You need to live with yourself for another 5-10 years to have examples and be sure of what the right answers are for you.

My sister had 3 different results so far. so did many of her friends.
The heart takes time to flourish and when young we think too highly of ourselves!

That is my story. Doesn’t mean it is true for everyone.
INFP male is something rare, something i needed this test to make me understand why life seemed so complicated to me compared to other dudes out there :smile:
this test changed my life at my 34!

INTJ girl is as rare as an INFP guy.
wanna trade? :confused:

The only reason I doubt such tests (in general, not just this one) is because the results are basically your answers. For example, if you put that you “agree” that you’re not outgoing or that you don’t easily go out and introduce yourself to new people but rather keep to yourself, the results will later say that you are such a person. It’s like re-phrasing your yes or no answers and analyzing them in a bigger text.

I had to take this particular test when I was in senior high, and I took it again like a year or two ago. The result was the same. Maybe in a few years it will be different, but still, I don’t think it is something that defines me as a person.

I don’t take this test seriously (nor any online test for that matter regardless of accreditation) I took it once time ago because I was bored (predictably).

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well yeah, tests are supposed to reflect your answers.
Honesty and transparency with oneself is mandatory for this test to succeed!

if you scored the same after a long time you may be that type.
For an INFP it’s a little more complicated and confusing!
At least for me it was…
It’s like you are a swan but you take the test as a duckling.
it’s impossible to predict the future INFP you!
Societal norms help us subside our nature a lot to be more “manly”.

My point is that you don’t need some test to tell you that you are X, Z, Y type of whatever. You already know who you are as a person.

Also, elaborate more on this, since I don’t fully get what you mean, if you want:[quote=“Achilleas7, post:24, topic:12462”]
Societal norms help us subside our nature a lot to be more “manly”.
(an se boleuei sta ellinika kalutera, steile mou message) (<-- sorry about this to everyone else).

My result is “Aladeen”.


Ela trele mou !!! (I apologize as well!)

INFP dudes are emotional and instinctive.
we are supposed to be what women want but before they understand that they do most of them get blocked by our less masculine appearance.
An INFP does not care for what other people care for.
So, as a kid among other kids, dads usually consider their INFP son useless because he doesn’t “get it” how to work or care for money.
Therefore, kids tend to force this nature out of them so they don’t stand out as useless among their siblings.
INFPs usually end up depressed, big, or murdered!
What we are good at is : in touch with our emotions and yours, in touch with our divinity inside, in feel with music and art, Idealistic to the extreme, empathetic, understanding, blah blah.
But it’s not an easy road to get to what you find as a cure (a way to express yourself is a cure for the INFP disease.)

John Lennon, Thom yorke, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, Shakespeare, Edgar Alan Poe and other complicated individuals went down the INFP route.

INFP means Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiver.
Means, i can’t even hurt a fly!

That just sucks. It just shows how bad some people are towards others.

Anyways… In the end the test is interesting to take and see the results but just for fun, nothing more, at least for me.

In the end it doesn’t even matter :wink:
What’s your type αδερφέ;

Why does it matter?

(Είμαι κοπέλα btw)

oops :stuck_out_tongue:
doesn’t matter really, doesn’t change that you are an LP fan and i like you already :slightly_smiling:

But … it kind of does for me … (κουβέντα να γίνεται)
I have decided to restrict myself to only NF types from now on.
enough with Thinkers in my life…
in my life i now need more Feelers to feel me while i do the same!
Tired with thinking the world’s problems without feeling for the people involved!

Hahaha, that’s a pretty good idea! :joy:

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Fine… I am an INFJ-T. All I know about it is that it is a rare type.

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INFJ means … you are a great judge of character, you use the J to seriously judge what’s going on and not being judgmental as other J types are.
Your best profession to put your skills to good practice is a psychologist, psychiatrist, since you are a great listener and feeler of situations!
You are also INFPs best friend and his/hers only sanctuary.
the only type that can feel what’s going on inside us.
The next best listener of all 16 types.

One problem of the INFJs is … you should get excited with this one :
you feel emotions in the room without focusing on them.
Someone grumpy might walk in and you start wondering why you are grumpy all of a sudden.
All until you realize where it comes from and that it doesn’t come from you.
Powerful type, no one can lie to you! ever!
you should find INFPs to hang around with, who are completely incapable of lying !
(i do offer my services!! :wink:)

Carl G Jung who called out these distinctions was an INFJ as well.
The test was made from Katharine Cook Briggs (INFP) and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers 100 years later!

The only thing from the summary results I have that is true is that I am a loner and afraid of socializing. The rest not so much. For example, people lie to me all the time, the fact that I can tell they do is a different thing, doesn’t stop them from doing so again.
Also: [quote=“Achilleas7, post:34, topic:12462”]
put your skills to good practice is a psychologist, psychiatrist, since you are a great listener and feeler of situations!
Maybe… but how? Since I hate it when people come and start babbling about their problems to me and all I do is sit there and just Yeah or no. I don’t offer any advice or anything.

My summary also says that my type is supposed to be creative, I’m definitely not. lol

I find it funny how all of these summaries make you feel like you’ve got a disability of sorts and everyone has to pay some kind of strange attention or consideration towards you.

Well, isn’t that the purpose of those tests? To make you feel a certain way and therefor search for a “cure” or “treatment” of some sort?

Not this one specifically. You can’t exactly find a cure for who you supposedly are.

Or was that sarcasm?

No, not for this one particularly but in general. Especially ifsuch tests are taken via schools.
We had a few occasions at school where some “tests” were to determine if your child was basically smart or an idiot (not an IQ test). The kids who got the “idiots” results were sent home with a note for the parents, the next day they had all those parents in a conference room, had them understand that the test didn’t suggest that their kids were stupid (although the results did suggest so) but referred them to some of school’s associates (Learning specialists, special doctors and all that crap) to “help” them. It was just a huge scam.

I had to take an ‘employabilty test’ at the start of the year where at the end it would give you aspects of yourself that you need to work on. Everything it gave me was wrong. I remember one of them was confidence.