Lost In The Echo Official Video Trailer

So what do you think? :slight_smile:

Nice :smiley: Where did you get the link?
It says “This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it.”

I found something interresting in the video - pictures of Mike, Chester and Phonix!!!

[quote=Dan-LP]Nice :smiley: Where did you get the link?
It says “This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it.”

I found something interresting in the video - pictures of Mike, Chester and Phonix!!!

also i think the one on the bottom of the little kid is a picture of Rob when he was a youngin, too. eeee. good find! :]

totally stoked for this video though, i think it’s about to be kick ass.

AWESOME! can’t wait!!

[quote=Dan-LP]Nice :smiley: Where did you get the link?
It says “This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it.”

I found something interresting in the video - pictures of Mike, Chester and Phonix!!!

i think i know now how the “interactive” is meaning. You can upload a picture of yourself and see it in the video. i bet it’s like that.

@Dan-LP, on profile Warner Music Poland on Facebook: Redirecting... and also on LinkinPark.pl :slight_smile:

[quote=lostek815]@Dan-LP, on profile Warner Music Poland on Facebook: Redirecting... and also on LinkinPark.pl :slight_smile:

Nice :smiley: maybe they put it on the facebook page to erly :stuck_out_tongue: since it is still hitten for the public…

Le eternal tears. I have this feeling that will be beyond awesome. Holly shiit.

http://lostintheecho.com is not up yet. http://lostinthecho.com is, though

Linkin Park are trolling us with the link http://lostinthecho.com/


I love the video preview

[quote=LP13413]http://lostintheecho.com is not up yet. http://lostinthecho.com is, though

RickRoll’D [biggrin]

I can proudly say that I got Rick Roll’D by Linkin Park.

[quote=Holden]I can proudly say that I got Rick Roll’D by Linkin Park.

this is how LP make their fans mad and curious !!! amazing trailer and also nicely trolled :smiley:

[quote=The Big_D][/quote]
you were right. when connecting with facebook some pictures are uploaded to the video!

[quote=Dan-LP]Nice :smiley: Where did you get the link?
It says “This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it.”

I found something interresting in the video - pictures of Mike, Chester and Phonix!!!

Man, you have good eyes… [lol]