Linkin park's live DSP's

Redirecting.... Please everyone go to this link and sign the petition. It is to try to get warner brothers to release love shows again from concerts we have all been too. Have a goal of 10,000 signatures and are currently at two. Please Lpu sign and share the link so we can re-live these concerts again

signed in…share it on twitter…hope for sucess…

This thread already exists here Revive Linkin Park's live show releases
Also, try not to create 2 topics next time. There are people that can change the category you created your post to be in by simply editing it.

didn´t mentioned on, (ot are you online?)

It’s for a good cause so I don’t think the multiple topics (this and the one LPLive posted) is a huge issue, I suppose the old one could just be bumped up, but sometimes people only check new topics. As for the cateogry thing, you can actually change the category yourself

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