Linkin Park in Paris @download festival

Salut, j’arrive Da l’Italie, à quelle heur linkin park jouent vendredi??? Merci!!!

Hi, i come from Italy, , does anyone know at what time linkin park will play Friday 9th???
Thanks to Who will respond!!

I’m going as well :slight_smile:

I’m surprised they haven’t added timetables by now, since the festival starts in 2 days!
Their site says the last band ends 11:30pm. I don’t think there will be anything after LP, so I’m guessing they will start playing somewhere around/after 9:30pm? (I don’t know, every festival is different. It doesn’t hurt be there a few hours early).

Yes, I was hoping they could have provided more details about Friday…!! :expressionless:
Anyway it’s important for me know that they will play during evening and not during the pomeridian, so my trouble was that they could have opened the event during the day and being the first on stage!!!
But if you tell me they will play around 9/10pm i fell less worried!!!

See this

Thank you, Hoping this is reliable!!!

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