Linkin Park by doodle face

It’s easy to create! The result was so funny. Who is gonna try?


wow awesome…nice pic…hahahaha

First things first, you used what to create?

Doodle face app.

My creation of Lorenzo from that day. I’m really bad.

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This is awesome!

You’re too kind.

The app won’t work for my phone :frowning:

But here’s my bitstrips version of Mike:


What bitstrips?

the bitstrips app, you can only use it when you have facebook now though.

I just realized my profile pic here makes all my questions seem dumber than usual.

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looooooooooool :laughing::joy::joy::laughing:

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The reaction-posts also seem dumber as well :blush:

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So, in that logic… Does that mean my posts come across as grumpy-bear Shinoda?

Ummm, not for you, cuz dat face is actually quite normal for Mike.

Ok now really

I feel like an idiot

Is he sleeping? :grin:

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maybe lol @Juliany_Freire nice conversation here guys lol :joy:

I guess so?

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